Comma-shell, an interactive shell debugger
Since this is not a stable release, it's highly recommended to install commash into a virtual machine. You can found my Virtualbox setup at the end of this README. Install dependencies, clone commash into your home directory and run the main file. The rest will be installed automatically. Please note, that building ShellCheck takes a lot of time.
sudo apt update
sudo apt install git shellcheck python-pip xdotool -y
sudo pip install bashlex
git clone ~/.commash
source ~/.commash/
With pre and post hooks, it's easy to extend basic functionality. Commash's "notfound handler" is an example that triggers when return code of a command is 127.
Shellcheck is a static analysis tool for shell scripts. Our hook can run it before executing commands and prevent the execution.
bashlex is used for parsing the command. so we run only parts
Example of debugging a for cycle. You can see a whole list of items that the loop will iterate, or you can run the body of the for with custom iterator value.
Commash can alias basics commands (such as rm) and builtins (such as cd) to internal functions written in bash. It can provide more verbose information, tips and it allows easily to revert the command you run (such as restore deleted file).
rm wrapper shows you which files are you going to delete and can put them in a trash instead. It also can restore (from the trash) files from a single rm command, even if that command deleted multiple files. rm wrapper uses the trashcan implementation using trash-cli.
Commash comes with a Bashlex based script debugger. It's not meant to be as powerful as Bash Debugger, but rather easier and faster to use.
This work is being done as my diploma thesis, here are instructions in the czech language:
- czech title: Comma-shell, interaktivní debugger shellu
- english title: Comma-shell, an interactive shell debugger
- Proveďte rešerši existujících nástrojů pro statickou analýzu, krokování a hledání chyb v BASH skriptech.
- Navrhněte a implementujte nástroj, který umožní psát uživatelské skripty pro analýzu příkazů a ovlivňování jejich spouštění a vykonávání. Nástroj musí umožňovat krokovat složitější skripty po jednotlivých příkazech. Pro analýzu spouštěných skriptů využijte vhodný nástroj z rešeršní části.
- Vytvořte ukázkové skripty pro zvrácení, či zamezení efektů základních příkazů z GNU coreutils. Zaznamenávejte jejich spouštění a umožněte jimi provedené změny vrátit do původního stavu.
I know that you know how to setup a VM. I just want to share my tested setup.
My Virtualbox version is 5.0.32_Ubuntu r112930 and I'm running Ubuntu 16.04. Image and parameters:
md5sum: 0b03a80416799d064c985bd5ca1e5f68
2GB RAM (this is important because building Haskell programs needs a lot of memory)
8GB disk space
Add you (a user) to the sudoers group:
adduser username sudo
Comment out the installation CD and add "contrib non-free" sources:
sudo vi /etc/apt/sources.list
Install virtualbox guest additions so that you can copy from outside of VM:
sudo apt update
sudo apt install virtualbox-guest-dkms virtualbox-guest-utils virtualbox-guest-x11 virtualbox-guest-additions-iso