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Releases: nette/tester

Released version 2.5.3

18 Jun 18:45
@dg dg
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  • Add testcase method's name to the test's title. (#451)
  • TestCase: removed NULL byte from class names, thx @smuuf #450 #449
  • added DomQuery::matches()
  • code coverage: fix compatibility with PHP 8.3 #446
  • test(): checks count of arguments

Released version 2.5.2

21 Jan 16:29
@dg dg
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  • Implemented console-lines mode which prints each test on separate line. (#443)
  • DomQuery: searches starting from current node
  • Environment::setupFunctions() creates global functions testException()

Released version 2.5.1

30 Jul 10:26
@dg dg
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  • support for PHP 8.3
  • fixed accessed property before initialization (#441) (#442)
  • used get_debug_type()

Released version 2.5.0

06 Feb 15:42
@dg dg
Choose a tag to compare
  • requires PHP 8.0
  • added PHP 8 typehints
  • Capture stderr of test via temp file and output it in test results [Closes #420] (#438)
  • Environment::setupFunctions() creates global functions test(), setUp() & tearDown()
  • TestCase: lists the running methods
  • Assert::equal() added flags $matchOrder & $matchIdentity
  • constants are PascalCase
  • Dumper & Assert: dumps true/false/null in lowercase

Released version 2.4.3

29 Aug 16:30
@dg dg
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  • PHP 8.2 Support
  • CloverXMLGenerator: reports file name is case of parse error
  • Assert::exception() prints stack of unexpected exception

Released version 2.4.2

24 Mar 19:03
@dg dg
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  • interrupt signal is converted to InterruptException and handled by CliTester
  • Dumper::dumpException() added option to change output file name via AssertException::$outputName
  • Environment: improved color detection
  • Dumper: improved encoding of strings, added colors
  • improved coding style

Released version 2.4.1

24 Aug 14:14
@dg dg
Choose a tag to compare
  • support for PHP 8.1
  • TestCase:prepareTestData(): check that every data provider item is array #431
  • added Assert::$expandPatterns to disable patterns expansion
  • TestHandler: mark tests with empty data provider as failed/skipped
  • template.phtml: uses native directory separator

Released version 2.4.0

01 Mar 15:34
@dg dg
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  • requires PHP 7.2
  • TestCase: added method skip() for skipping tests [Closes #379]
  • DataProvider::load() may return empty data set (BC break)
  • TestHandler: initiateTestCase() caching (#378)
  • TestCase: list all possible TestCase class dependencies (#378)
  • TestCase: list methods in format 'Method:testName' (#378)
  • CliTester: option --log replaced by -o log (#329)
  • CliTester: option -o is repeatable and accepts file name parameter (#329)
  • CommandLine: added NORMALIZER (#329)
  • Test: measure run time duration (#426)
  • Asssert: add hasKey and hasNotKey assertions (#427)
  • code coverage: improved coverage report template (#422)

Released version 2.3.5

02 Feb 16:32
@dg dg
Choose a tag to compare
  • Environment::loadData(): --dataprovider arg is exact key, not query (BC break) [Closes #428]
  • CliTester: added missing newline (#429)
  • PhpInterpreter: enables register_argc_argv for info.php
  • Assert::contains() & notContains() check needle type
  • fix Assert::type() failure error when expected $type is object (#425)
  • CodeCoverage: support Xdebug 3 (#424)

Released version 2.3.4

02 Nov 17:35
@dg dg
Choose a tag to compare
  • compatible with PHP 8.0
  • Dumper: keep full data provider name in output files
  • Show @dataProvider data set name in assertion error #293 #377
  • Runner: fixed waiting for last async Job #415
  • CloverXMLGenerator, DomQuery: checks for PHP extensions #401 #419
  • FileMutator: fixes 'touch() expects parameter 2 to be int, null given' #403
  • @dataProvider file may return integer-indexed data #418
  • Dumper: clickable links in PhpStorm terminal with plugin Awesome Console #313
  • Environment: improved color detection
  • Drop create-phar tool #276

For the details you can have a look at the diff.