Ikea is a library intended to fake a golang struct type with fake data that you will be using through the instructions that you will be setting.
Package ikea is currently in prototype stage. The API may change or some internal mechanisms maybe changed that changes the expected outcome.
The motivation behind this is when the author was making an application in golang and needed to extensively test the data stores (databases) with inserts, updates etc, the author wanted an easy way of doing it without having the need to use constructors. Hence, Ikea was made. The name was taken because two weekends before making this package the author went to Ikea with the author's significant other to buy some furniture there. He also realized that how challenging assembly of a furniture is - on the author's relationship. So the author dedicates this package to the all mighty IKEA.
You first need to load some instructions so that when ikea assembles your struct (that's right, ikea assembles your struct using instructions) it will have a function to call to generate the necessary data that will be used to set the struct field.
You can use existing faker libraries such as fake or gofakeit
// Custom instruction
func MakeMalm() interface{} {
return &Foo
var testIns = map[string]func() interface{}{
"character": func() interface{} { return fake.Character() },
"number": func() interface{} { return gofakeit.Number(1, 1000) },
"time": func() interface{} { return gofakeit.Date() },
"malm": makeMalm,
i := ikea.NewInstructions()
for k, v := range testIns {
if err := i.AddInstruction(k, v); err != nil {
To assemble a struct with the desired data or instruction you want to use, you
need to make sure that your struct field has the ikea
tag and the
corresponding instruction you will use exists in the Instructions store.
var testIns = map[string]func() interface{}{
"skorva": func() interface{} { return "skorva" },
type Malm struct {
BedBase string `ikea:"skorva"`
i := ikea.NewInstructions()
for k, v := range testIns {
if err := i.AddInstruction(k, v); err != nil {
err := ikea.Assemble(&malm, i)
- Allow setting of struct types
- e.g:
type Moo struct { Zoo string } type Foo struct { MooMoo Moo `ikea:"moo"` }
- e.g:
- Allow setting a value to skip fields/structs that are not nil