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A toolkit for immunoglobulin gene lineage tree analysis


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A toolkit for immunoglobulin gene lineage tree analysis.
Hadas Neuman and Ramit Mehr


IgTreeZ is a comprehensive analysis tool for Immunoglobulin lineage trees.


To run IgTreeZ, you will need these Python3 and the Python packages NumPy, pandas, ETE3, and matplotlib

To use the 'draw' sub-program, you will need Graphviz version 2.30.1 or higher


  1. Clone the repo
    git clone
  2. Download IgTreeZ_1.8.3.tar.gz. To extract the file in the local directory, use
    tar -zxvf IgTreeZ*.tar.gz
  3. Download To extract the file in the local directory, use
    unzip IgTreeZ*.zip


IgTreeZ program includes 5 sub-programs:

  • mutations
  • poptree
  • mtree
  • filter
  • draw

You can list them using -h

General notes

  • All sub-programs must be given an analysis name for your choice using the -n parameter
  • The -t parameter that gets Newick trees, can get the trees as files of directories containing the files. If a directory name is given, the program will try to read all the files inside the directory as Newick files.
  • The program creates an output directory named "IgTreeZ_output", in which the output files and the log files are created

Mutations and Selection Analysis

IgTreeZ-mutations counts and profiles the mutations in a repertoire, based on tree topology and input sequences. Three input types are available for IgTreeZ-mutations:

1. Using AIRR/Change-O database and Newick trees

IgTreeZ-mutation can process trees in a Newick format, and sequences in an AIRR format or in the old Change-O format. For an AIRR format dataset: mutations -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -d ../examples/F1-control_germ-pass.tsv -dbf airr
Notes for using AIRR/Change-O database
  • The input database can be in Change-O or AIRR format. Use the -dbf parameter to specify the input format using -dbf airr or -dbf changeo. The default is the (old) Change-O format (with the tab extension). *The program uses the database fields (for Change-O / AIRR format):
    • SEQUENCE_IMGT / sequence_alignment
    • GERMLINE_IMGT_D_MASK / germline_alignment
    • CLONE / clone_id
    • SEQUENCE_ID / sequence_id
  • You can specify different field names using the parameters: -sf, -gf, cf, if
  • If you send the sequences using a databse or Fasta files, and the sequences name contain the : or the ; characters (as in Illumina output), you can use the --illumina paraemter to automaticly replace the colons and the semicolons with dashes - -.

If the CDR3_IMGT / cdr3_imgt column exists in the database, and the '--nocdr3' parameter is not used - the program defines mutations in the CDR3 region as well

The program profiles the mutation region based on IMGT region definition.

2. Using Fasta file and Newick trees

IgTreeZ-mutation can process trees in a Newick format, and sequences in a Fasta format: mutations -n example_name -t ../examples/1004.nw -f ../examples/1004_aligned.fasta
Notes for Fasta files

Each Fasta file represents the sequences of one tree. The number of trees must be identical to the number of Fasta files.
The sequences names in the Fasta files should appear in the corresponding tree's node names. The Fasta file should also include a germline sequence. The program assumes the germline sequence is named GL. You can define another name using the -gl parameter. All Fasta files must include one germline sequence. All the sequences in one Fasta file must be aligned and have the same length.

3. Using AIRR scheme

IgTreeZ-mutation can analyze a clone and lineage trees AIRR schema, which includes trees and sequences: mutations -n example_name -j ../examples/full_schema_dataset_example.json

The AIRR scheme structure is described here

Selection analysis

The mutation count of IgTreeZ-mutations can be used for a selection analysis, by creating an additional mutation count file using the --selection paramterer: mutations -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -d ../examples/ --selection

Multiple output datasets can be input to an Rscript that quantifies the selection using the ShazaM's selection test on the given mutation counts:

Rscript run_shazam_on_trees_with_CDR3.r example_name1_for_selection.csv example_name2_for_selection.csv

If the script finds the 'CDR3_length' column in the datasets, it counts for the Ig sequence till the end of the CDR3 region.


IgTreeZ-mutations creates an output directory named IgTreeZ_output/example_name. Inside it, it creates these CSV files:

  • IgTreeZ_output/example_name/example_name_mutations.csv - a dataset of 82 mutation properties. Each line in the file refers to one tree and each column to a different mutation property. The properties are described here
  • IgTreeZ_output/example_name/example_name_for_selection.csv - Using the --selection parameter. A dataset of 8 columns. Each line in the file refers to one tree and each column to a different mutation property. The properties are described here.
  • XXX.log - A progress log file
  • XXX_errors.log - An error log file (created only if the program encounters an error)


In addition to the mutations count, the program can generate discriptive plots using the --plot parameter.
All the plots are created in the local directory IgTreeZ_output/example_name/mutation_plots. The program generates more than 70 plots for each analysis. A short explanation on each plot can be found here

For example - a pie that describes the distribution of the mutations in the CDRs and FWRs in the repertoire: all_regions_pie_plot

Another example - A pie plot of the distribution of the replacement mutations that lead to amino-acid hydrophobic/hydrophilic change, relative to the number of mutations that did not, in the repertoire: hydro_change_pie_plot

Population Analysis

IgTreeZ-poptree counts and profiles the populations and population transitions in a repertoire, based on tree nodes names. For example, it counts the accurances of each given population, the number of times population X transfomrs into population Y (that is, the number of times a population Y is the direct or indirect decendant of population X), and more. The program also counts the number of mutations between the populations as a transition distance.

IgTreeZ-poptree gets two types of inputs: Newick trees and AIRR scheme. The program also recieves the population names to search using the -p parameter.

Using Newick trees as an input

IgTreeZ-poptree can analyze trees in Newick format: poptree -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -p IgM IgA IgG

Using AIRR scheme

IgTreeZ-poptree can get as an input lineage trees as a clone and lineage trees AIRR schema: poptree -n example_name -j ../examples/full_schema_dataset_example.json -p IgM IgA IgG


IgTreeZ-poptree creates an output directory named IgTreeZ_output/example_name/PopTree_results. These CSV files are created in the directory:

  • XXX_population_levels.csv - Each column represents a population and each value represents the number of mutations from root to a single accurance of the popolation.
  • XXX_populations_count_by_tree.csv - Each row represents a single tree, and each column represents a population. Each value represents the number of times the populations was found in the tree.
  • XXX_populations_levle_summary.csv - A summary statistics of the populations accurance in all trees.
  • XXX_transition_count_normalized_by_destination.csv - Each column represents a transition type that was found in all the trees. Each value represents the number of times this transition was found in all the given trees, divided in the number of times the target population was found in the given trees, and multiplied by a constant (for the convenience of working with numbers greater than one).
  • XXX_transition_count_normalized_by_source.csv - Each column represents a transition type that was found in the trees. Each value represents the number of times this transition was found in all the given trees, divided in the number of times the source population was found in the given trees, and multiplied by a constant (for the convenience of working with numbers greater than one).
  • XXX_transition_distances.csv - Each column represents a transition type that was found in the trees. Each line represents one transition and each value represents the number of mutation involve in this transition.
  • XXX_transitions_count_by_tree.csv - Each row represents a single tree, and each column represents a transition type. Each value represents the number of times the transition was found in the tree.
  • XXX_transitions_distance_summary.csv - A summary statistics of the transition accurance in all trees.
  • XXX_transitions_summary_normalized_by_destination.csv - A summary statistics of the transition accurance in all trees, divided in the number of times the target population was found in the given trees, and multiplied by a constant.
  • XXX_transitions_summary_normalized_by_source.csv* - A summary statistics of the transition accurance in all trees, divided in the number of times the source population was found in the given trees, and multiplied by a constant. In addition, these files are created in IgTreeZ_output/example_name:
  • XXX.log - A progress log file
  • XXX_errors.log - An error log file (created only if the program encounters an error)


by using the --plot paraemter, the program creates discriptive plots. All the plots are created in the local directory IgTreeZ_output/example_name/mutation_plots. The program generates 10 plots for each analysis. A short explanation on each plot can be found here

For example: poptree -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -p IgM IgA IgG --plot

Tree Topology Analysis

IgTreeZ-mtree quantifies the shape properties of Immunoglobulin gene lineage trees by measuring 9 features, seven of them were found to have a significant correlation with several B cell response parameters by Shahaf et al., 2008.

Like IgTreeZ-poptree, IgTreeZ-mtree gets two types of inputs: Newick trees and AIRR scheme.

Using Newick trees as an input

IgTreeZ-mtree can analyze trees in Newick format: mtree -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw

Using AIRR scheme

IgTreeZ-poptree can get as an input lineage trees as a clone and lineage trees AIRR schema: mtree -n example_name -j ../examples/full_schema_dataset_example.json


IgTreeZ-mtree creates an output directory named IgTreeZ_output/example_name Inside it, it creates one CSV file:

  • XXX_mtree.csv - a dataset of 9 tree shape properties. Each line in the file refers to one tree and each. The properties are described here
  • XXX.log - A progress log file
  • XXX_errors.log - An error log file (created only if the program encounters an error)

Filtering Trees

IgTreeZ-filter filters trees by population composition or by tree size (number of nodes or number of leaves).

Like IgTreeZ-mtree, IgTreeZ-filter gets two types of inputs: Newick trees and AIRR scheme (see above). Only one filtering type can be done in each run (however, the output of one run can be the input of another).

Filtering by population composition

IgTreeZ-filter can filter trees based on population composition using thee logic gates - and, or or not:


Using the AND paramtere, the program choose trees that includes all the give populations. For example: filter -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -AND IgA1 IgA2

Using the AND paramtere, the program choose trees that includes either one of the give populations. For example: filter -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -OR IgA1 IgA2

Using the AND paramtere, the program choose trees that includes none of the give populations. For example: filter -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -NOT IgM IgG

Filtering by tree size

IgTreeZ-filter can filter trees based on tree size, based on number of nodes or leaves. The program can get a minimun number of nodes or leaves by sending only one value.
For example, for choosing trees with at least 2 leaves, type: filter -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -leaves 2

The program can also filter by a range of nodes or leaves by sending 2 values.
For example, for choosing trees with 3 to 100 nodes (including), type: filter -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -nodes 3 100 

Copying the trees

You can save the filtered trees themself, in addition to listing them, by using the --copy parameter. This parameters creates a new directory, named by the used filter, that contains the chosen trees. Use: filter -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -leaves 6 7 --copy

This command will create a directory with the Newick tree files, named more_than_6_leaves_and_less_than_7_nodes.csv the the output directory.


IgTreeZ-filter creates an output directory named IgTreeZ_output/example_name/Filtered_files. Inside it, it creates these files:

  • XXX.csv - A list of the tree ID that passed the filter.
  • XXX/ - A directory of the Newick tree files that passed the filter (when using the --copy parameter)
  • XXX.log - A progress log file
  • XXX_errors.log - An error log file (created only if the program encounters an error)

Drawing trees

IgTreeZ-draw draws tree using Graphviz and the graph description language DOT.
Like IgTreeZ-mtree, IgTreeZ-draw gets two types of inputs: Newick trees and AIRR scheme (see above). The drawn tree will include all the nodes names, unless you will use the -p parameter.
For example: draw -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw

Nodes coloring

You can color nodes, or remove node names, using the -p parameter. The -p parameter recieves population names that appears in the tree nodes. If you with to avoid the nodes names from the output figure, without coloring the nodes, just add a string that does not appears in any node, or a string that appears in all the nodes. For coloring the tree nodes by isotypes, for example: draw -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -p IgD IgM IgA IgG IgE

If you would like to use specific colors, you can send them using the -c parameter. The first color will color the first population name, the second will color the second, and so on. The number of colors must be equeal to the number of populations. The colors can be given in HEX format, or as color names as describes here. For example: draw -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -p IgD IgM IgA IgG IgE -c blue cyan deeppink #873943

Output format

By default, the program creates PNG files. However, any of the DOT program output files are accepted. For example: draw -n example_name -t ../examples/*nw -p IgD IgM IgA IgG IgE --format svg


IgTreeZ-draw creates an output directory named IgTreeZ_output/example_name. Inside it, it creates these files:

  • Drawn_trees - A direcory of all the tree figures
  • Drawn_trees/legend.XXX - A legen file (when using the -p parameter)
  • XXX.log - A progress log file
  • XXX_errors.log - An error log file (created only if the program encounters an error)


To cite IgTreeZ in publications, please use:
Neuman H, Arrouasse J, Kedmi M, Cerutti A, Magri G, Mehr R. IgTreeZ, A Toolkit for Immunoglobulin Gene Lineage Tree-Based Analysis, Reveals CDR3s Are Crucial for Selection Analysis. Front Immunol. 2022 Oct 26;13:822834. doi: 10.3389/fimmu.2022.822834. PMID: 36389731; PMCID: PMC9643157.
The paper can be found here.


Distributed under the AGPL3 License. See LICENSE for more information.


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.


Hadas Neuman
Prof. Ramit Mehr

Project Link:


A toolkit for immunoglobulin gene lineage tree analysis







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