Requiremenets Documentation Lanuage for JetBrains MPS
This repository / these languages is/are in a WIP / development state. Nothing is stable, everything may change.
This plugins depends on the de.neumanntim.mps.markdown
To install this plugin, please download the bundle ZIP for latest release from the releases page.
The latest release always mentions the required version of MPS and de.neumanntim.mps.markdown
This ZIP file can then be installed in MPS.
When using the mps-gradle-scripts, you can just add the url to the bundle ZIP to the customMpsPlugins
Otherwise, you can install the plugin via the MPS settings. See the MPS docs.
To use the plugin, create a new project and add the de.neumanntim.reqdoc
language to the project.
Then, you can create an OriginList, Requirements and Documents.
Documents generate markdown files when the project is built.
The usage should be pretty inuitive if you are used to projectional editors.
The auto-completion should help.
Long text entries have (limited) support for markdown.
To import priority data from json files, you additionally need de.neumanntim.reqdoc.prioImport
Then you can create PriorityLists with raw data.
However, you probably want to import a json file as such a PriorityList instead.
You can do that via the corresponding entry in the context menu of the model.
When you have created or imported all priority lists, you can create a PrioritySource referencing all of them.
This PrioritySource then contains a button to apply all priorities to the requirements.
Attention: This will overwrite the priorities present in these requirements.
For further processing of the markdown files see this gist.
To work on this project please use the provided gradle wrapper. The most relevant tasks are:
./gradlew openProjectInMps
to open the project using the correct MPS version./gradlew mpsBuild
to build the project via Ant./gradlew mpsTest
to test the project via Ant