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Roman S edited this page Dec 2, 2023 · 1 revision

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Is the service paid? Is GPT-4 paid?

Answer: No, the service is free as well as GPT-4, but with limitations. Upon registration, you are given $30, which is allocated for a month. On the 1st of the following month, your balance will reset to $30 again. Additionally, due to the constantly increasing loads (currently, the daily online user count is over 6000), there may be an increase in response errors and temporary unavailability of certain models. If you want to extend the limits, you can support the project by subscribing to Boosty. Boosty Link

What if it says "registration is closed"?

Answer: Log in using Gmail, Discord, or Github by using the icons below the login and password entry form.

How to get an API key (also known as a token)?

Answer: Follow this instruction. API Key Instruction

I'm getting an error in the online chat or client chat, what should I do?

Answer: Make sure you have entered the received token in the chat settings. If the key is entered, try to resend the message again several times. If this does not solve the problem, write in our chat, Telegram Chat, attaching a screenshot of the error, and specifying which model it occurred on.

I'm receiving an empty message in response, what should I do?

Answer: Unfortunately, this is a drawback of the method of access. In this situation, simply repeat your request again.

The chat is very unstable, especially GPT-4, and some GPT-4 models are sometimes unavailable. Why is this?

Answer: The service's audience is constantly growing, and the Providers for access to the GPT-4 family models are limited. Therefore, within the framework of free use, there may be interruptions, especially with GPT-4 models. If you want more stable access, support the project by subscribing to Boosty, Boosty Link, and you will be connected to a separate list of providers not available for public use, as well as to a separate Reverse API server.