This simple crawling program is written for my own personal use in comparing house properties in order to facilitate me in decision making to buy a house. I crawled the house informations from a Malaysia house property website: Anybody who has the same interest as me can use this program to get an easy overview on house properties.
The crawled result will be displayed on a map, with the following information:
- prices
- house sizes
- locations
- amenities
- page link (
- You must have Scrapy, Folium, ConfigParser and Pandas installed.
- State your personal preference (budget, area) in the house_conf.ini file.
- Run the program in CMD:
- View your result in the map folder.
There are 4 sections in the config file:
- Low
- High
- Map
- MyHouse where MyHouse is optional and can be excluded.
Low/High: State your interested area(state name) and budget(RM).
Map: State the output folder and output filename.
- Wrap the program into a wheel file
- The program first read in the config file and parse them into dictionary using ConfigParser.
- Two spider crawling the 'Low' and 'High' sectionis are run simultanously using CrawlerProcess.
- The result are written to two different csv file as specified in the scrapy Pipeline.
- The results are then processed using pandas and plotted on the map by Folium.
- Folium export the map into HTML format.