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REQUIREMENTS (Ubuntu 16.04):

  • Git
  • Docker
  • Docker Compose
  • Docker UI (Portainer running on port 9000) - optional
# as privileged user

apt update 
apt install git docker-compose

docker run -d --privileged -p 9000:9000 --name portainer \
-v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock \
-v /opt/portainer:/data portainer/portainer


Provided that the requirements listed above are met, please follow the instructions below:

1 - Clone the "Neutrona Telemetry" repository and switch to the repository base directory:

$ git clone
$ cd neutrona_telemetry

2 - Configure the input plugin in logstash_telemetry/logstash.conf according to your profile (as provided by Neutrona):

For example:

  $ nano logstash_telemetry/logstash.conf
  user => "your_username"
  password => "your_password"
  queue => "neutrona_customers_telemetry_YOUR_CUSTOMER_NAME"

All parameters are case sensitive.

3 - Docker compose and daemonize the app (this might take a few minutes):

  $ sudo docker-compose up -d

4 - Dashboard engine - Grafana:

4.1 - Point your browser to http://your-ip-here:3000 and login.

Default credentials: admin/admin

4.2 - Add a data source:

  • Click on "Grafana Menu -> Data Sources -> Add Data Source" and set the parameters as below:

You can leave the rest as default

4.3 - Add your dashboard:

  • Navigate to "Grafana Menu" -> "Dashboards" -> "Home"
  • Click on "Home Menu" -> "Import Dashboard" -> "Upload .json File"
  • Select the file in neutrona_telemetry/grafana/Grafana Dashboard.json and click "Import"

At this point you should be able to see the data coming in from the telemetry broker 📈

Troubleshooting Tips:

  • Please make sure you can reach the telemetry broker.

  • Please check that the file logstash_telemetry/logstash.conf was modified as instructed and is syntactically correct.

  • Grafana:

    • Please check that the data source has been configured correctly under "Grafana Menu -> Data Sources"
    • If you encounter the "Could not find the specified database name" error while adding the data source execute the following commands from the Docker host CLI:
     $ sudo docker exec -it influxdb bash
     # influx
     > create database neutrona_telemetry
     > quit
     # exit

To rebuild the app:

$ sudo docker-compose down
$ sudo docker-compose build logstash_telemetry
$ sudo docker-compose up -d