To Install Nexss Programmer please go to Nexss Programmer CLI for more information. You can also find some R&D on wiki pages:
Each language in the Nexss Programmer has predefined templates which can be used easy by adding file nexss file add myprogram.js
then the templates is displayed. You can search the template list just by typing after add file command.
Enter command 'nexss file add myfile.js' and type learn for finding templates which starts with 'learn' keyword. [Picture above]
- Node.js -
- Deno -
nexss js default compiler # displays all available runtimes/compilers
nexss js default compiler deno # to set the Deno compiler
nexss js default compiler node # to set the Node.js compiler
nexss js default compiler unset # to reset to defaults (Node.js)
nexss js default compiler --nocache # use --nocache if you have changed configuration files manually
OR put at the top of your file/program. If will install compiler on 'nexss yourprogram.js'
// nexss-compiler: deno
console.log(`Hello from Deno! ${Deno.version.deno}`);
- Awesome Node.js -
- Deno by Example: