Python module to set the initial conditions of a 2D universe, and see approximately how that would evolve gravitationally.
An image such as the Mona Lisa
morphs gravitationally to
Random cosmological initial conditions: python
Use NASA logo for initial conditions: python NASA_logo.png
Use Mona Lisa logo for initial conditions: python monalisa.png
Input .png can be arbitrary; to specify approximate resolution, use the optional third argument, e.g.
python NASA_logo.png 96
The radio button 'Zeldovich' refers to the Zeldovich approximation (Zeldovich, 1970), which returns a qualitatively accruate description of the cosmic web.
'NoCollapse' inhibits overcrossing, returning a 2D version of the spherical (circular, in 2D) collapse approximation (Neyrinck M., 2013, MNRAS, 428, 141, arXiv:1204.1326).
Project started at NASA's Space Apps hackathon event: