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Firebase-chat-ready-API is a simple package, enable fast connection to firebase realtime database to create chat manager API.


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Firebase chat API 🔥

Firebase-chat-ready-API is a simple package enable fast connection to firebase realtime database to create chat manager. Create chat rooms, send messages and listen to instance messages .

Getting started in a minute

Installation with

$ npm install @nezam/firebase-chat-ready-api


This package have two main classes ChatRoom class and Message class as the ChatRoom class have properties and functions related to the whole chat room such as title, get messages, sending messages, etc ...

and the Message class have properties and functions related to individual message like message body, time of creation, update message, etc ...

First, import it

No ES6

const {
} = require("@nezam/firebase-chat-ready-api");


import { initializeFirebase, ChatRoom } from "@nezam/firebase-chat-ready-api";

Initialize the app

	// your firebase app config...

Create chat room between two users

// define users objects
let userA = {userId: '1'} 
let userB = {userId: '2'}
// create chat room 
let newchatRoom = new ChatRoom("chat title", userA, userB, err => {
	if (!err) console.log(" chat room created successfully");

This class take 5 params as initial values

  1. title the chat room title
  2. userA one of the chat room members. object of {userId, username, photo}
  3. userB second chat member. object of {userId, username, photo}
  4. onComplete it's a callback function called after the chat room created successfully in firebase
  5. fromRef create a class for chat room with it's firebase reference

Note: you can get created chat props also in the callback function through:

var newchatRoom = new ChatRoom("chat title", userA, userB, err => {
	// get the chat key
	if (!err) console.log(newchatRoom.chatRoomRef.key);

User Object is consists of

userId: the user unique id required
usename: username for this user not required
photo: url image for this user not required

Note: you can get all of title, members with their props and createdAt bt simply user the chat instance


Change the chat title

newchatRoom.setNewTitle("new title", title => {
	console.log("the chat new title is " + title);

This method is property of ChatRoom class. call with 2 params

  1. title as a new string represent the new title
  2. onComplete callback after changing the title passing the new title

Remove chat room


This method is property of ChatRoom class. call with 2 params

  1. softRemove set flag isRemoved to true
  2. onComplete callback after removing the chat room

Remove mutual chat rooms between two users

ChatRoom.removeMutualChatRooms('userA Id', 'userB Id');

This method static function call with 2 params

  1. userA The id of the user A
  2. userB The id of the user B
  3. softRemove set flag isRemoved to true

Send message in this chat room

You can use the ChatRoom instances to send messages to it.

var message = newchatRoom.sendMessage("Hi", userA, err => {
	if (!err) console.log("message sent");

This method also member of ChatRoom class. with 3 params

  1. body string is the message body
  2. from represent the user how send the message could be user Id or the user object
  3. onComplete callback after sending the message to the firbase

this method is return Message instance

Get chat rooms related to user

ChatRoom.getUserChatRooms(userB, {start:5, limit:10}, (err, chats) => {
	if (!err) console.log("Count of chats is :", chats.length); => {

Note: This method is a static function

Chat rooms is ordered by last modified ones

Please add this rule in your project rules

 "UsersChat": {
	".indexOn": "lastModified"

call with 3 params

  1. user the user could be user Id or the user object

  2. pagination paginate the returned chat rooms Optional {start: *Number*, limit: *Number*}

  3. onComplete callback function call after receiving all chats from firebase passing 2 params

    1. err is the error message if the call failed
    2. chats it's an array ( List ) of all the user chat room (ChatRoom instances)

Get messages

newchatRoom.getMessages({start: 2, limit: 10}, messageList => { =>{

call 2 params

  1. pagination paginate the returned messages Optional {start: *Number*, limit: *Number*}

  2. action callback after receiving all messages

    Note : the massages come in list > > Fires only once

Listen for new messages coming

newchatRoom.listenNewMessges( message => {

call 1 params

  1. action callback function is the action that should happen when receiving a message

    Note : the massages come one after one not in list > This function fires after getting new message

Update message

message.updateBody("new message", newBody => {
	console.log("message text updated to" + newBody);

This method member of Message class

call with 2 params

  1. newBody is the new updated message
  2. onComplete callback after update

Remove message

var removedMessage = message.remove();

This method member of Message class

return the deleted message

call with 1 params

  1. newMessage is the new updated message string
  2. afterRemove callback after removing the message

You can get CreatedAt and updatedAt timestamps by message instance

// as the updatedAt property not available only after the message get updated
if (message.updatedAt) {

return timestamp as you can easily format it using package like moment (for more formats)

or by simply use Date Class

var date = new Date(createdAt);
// like: 4:01:50 AM
// like: 10/16/2018
// like: 110/16/2018, 4:01:50 AM

createdAt property available also in ChatRoom instance

You can get also the chat room firebase reference(ref) and key. Like this :

var reference = newchatRoom.chatRoomRef;
var key = newchatRoom.chatRoomRef.key;

as newchatRoom is an instance of ChatRoom Class

Find chat by key (uid)

static function

ChatRoom.findById("-LPK1Rr5mzwkuSDV9U9a", (err, chat) => {
	if (!err) console.log(chat);

call with 2 params

  1. uid chat unique id (key)

  2. onComplete callback function call after receiving all chats from firebase passing 2 params

    1. err is the error message if the call failed
    2. chat chat room (ChatRoom instance)


Tests are using Jest, to run the tests add your firebase config object in the test file and run:

$ npm test


Check out our roadmap to get informed by the latest feature released and the upcoming ones. You can also give us insights and vote for a specific feature. And your are more than welcome to contribute.

Note: You probably should change the rules of the firbase to link it correctly

👀 see examples.js


Firebase-chat-ready-API is a simple package, enable fast connection to firebase realtime database to create chat manager API.








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