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NFS Ganesha Debug Logging

Sachin Punadikar edited this page Jan 9, 2024 · 1 revision

DEBUG logs help in understanding the code flow and narrowing down/solving a problem. NFS Ganesha supports various levels of debug logging for its components. This helps in enabling debug log (of desired level) for one or more or all components.

NFS Ganesha component list

Component Name Description
ALL Setting this turns on debug for all log components, it generates a lot of log messages and has a huge performance impact
LOG Useful for debugging logging related issues
MEM_ALLOC Useful for tracking memory allocations
MEMLEAKS / LEAKS Useful for debugging/tracking memory leaks
EXPORT Useful for debugging export configuration issues and problems with client access to exports
FSAL Useful for debugging issues with Ganesha’s interface to FSAL ( like GPFS/SCALE. CephFS, VFS etc)
NFS_V4 / NFS4 Useful alongside the other components for knowing what NFSv4 operation is in progress
CACHE_INODE / INODE / MDCACHE Useful to diagnose problems with attribute refresh and memory use
CONFIG Useful to diagnose problems with configuration
NFS_READDIR Useful to diagnose problems with directory listing
STATE Useful to diagnose problems with opens and byte range locks
NFS3 Useful for debugging NFSv3 protocol understanding and related issues
NFSPROTO Useful for debugging generic NFS protocol in general
FILEHANDLE / FH Useful for debugging filehandle related issues
CACHE_INODE_LRU / MDCACHE_LRU / INODE_LRU Useful for debugging cache management related issues
HASHTABLE / HT Useful for debugging hashing / hashtable related issues
HASHTABLE_CACHE / HT_CACHE Useful for debugging hashtable caching issues
DUPREQ Useful for debugging duplicate requests related issues
INIT Useful for debugging NFS server initialization issues
NFS_STARTUP Useful for debugging NFS server start-up issues
MAIN Helps in NFS server main function debugging
IDMAPPER Useful for debugging ID mapping related issues
NFS_V4_LOCK / NFS4_LOCK Useful for debugging NFSv4 locking/unlocking related issues
CLIENTID Useful for debugging client ID related issues (NFSv4)
SESSIONS Useful for debugging client sessions (NFSv4)
PNFS Useful for debugging pNFS
RW_LOCK Useful for debugging read/write locking related issues
NLM Useful for debugging NLM related issues
RPC Useful for debugging RPC related issues
TIRPC Useful for debugging NTIRPC library related issues
NFS_CB Useful for debugging call back related issues
THREAD Useful for debugging threading issue in NFS server
NFS_V4_ACL / NFS4_ACL Useful for debugging NFSv4 ACL related issues
_9P Useful for debugging 9P protocol
_9P_DISPATCH / _9P_DISP Useful for debugging 9P protocol dispatch related issues
FSAL_UP Useful for debugging FSAL upcalls
DBUS Useful for debugging DBUS interface with NFS server

NFS Ganesha supports various levels of debug log for every component : NULL, FATAL, MAJ, CRIT, WARN, EVENT, INFO, DEBUG, MID_DEBUG / M_DBG, and FULL_DEBUG / F_DBG.

Below sections talks more about NFS Ganesha in Ceph setup

Enabling NFS Ganesha debug logging dynamically (without restart)

In Ceph (version 7), the NFS Ganesha is deployed in container. The /etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf file in container is exported from the host system. So if one modifies the file on the host, NFS Ganesha in container sees the changes/updates. This is useful for enabling debug logging dynamically.

Follow below steps to enable / disable logging
On the container host, the config file is located at: /var/lib/ceph/${FSID}/nfs.${DAEMON_ID}/etc/ganesha/ganesha.conf
Edit above  ganesha.conf file and  add the stanza for logging
Get the PID of the Ganesha process, and send SIGHUP.
This will reread the ganesha.conf file and new logging levels will be in effect.
[root@ceph-mani-cst2nb-node2 ganesha]# ps -eaf | grep ganesha
root     1103935 1103933  0 04:39 ?        00:00:00 /run/podman-init -- /usr/bin/ganesha.nfsd -F -L STDERR -N NIV_EVENT
root     1103937 1103935  0 04:39 ?        00:00:02 /usr/bin/ganesha.nfsd -F -L STDERR -N NIV_EVENT   <== Send SIGHUP
root     1121642 1092342  0 05:36 pts/1    00:00:00 grep --color=auto ganesha
[root@ceph-mani-cst2nb-node2 ganesha]# kill -SIGHUP 1103937

To go back to previous logging level, again edit the conf file & send SIGHUP signal as described above.  

Enabling NFS Ganesha debug logging on restart

To enable logging, use command “ceph nfs cluster config set ..”.
Ceph nfs cluster config set <cluster_id> -i <config_file>
Eg: to change LOG level to DEBUG update config with

        NFS4 = FULL_DEBUG;

This creates an additional rados object for the user configuration
This object is added to the rados object holding information on all exports

[ceph: root@ceph-mani-cst2nb-node1-installer /]# rados get -N c_ganesha -p ".nfs" conf-nfs.c_ganesha /tmp/conf
[ceph: root@ceph-mani-cst2nb-node1-installer /]# cat /tmp/conf
 %url "rados://.nfs/c_ganesha/export-1"
 %url "rados://.nfs/c_ganesha/userconf-nfs.c_ganesha"
[ceph: root@ceph-mani-cst2nb-node1-installer /]# rados get -N c_ganesha -p ".nfs" userconf-nfs.c_ganesha /tmp/user_conf
[ceph: root@ceph-mani-cst2nb-node1-installer /]# cat /tmp/user_conf
 LOG {
         NFS4 = FULL_DEBUG;

To return logging to normal, run command “ceph nfs cluster config reset ..”.
Note that NFS Ganesha restarts when one sets/resets the debug logging.

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