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Frank Filz edited this page Jan 12, 2021 · 5 revisions

The RDMA effort for Ganesha has been long abandoned, the current code may or may not compile but is most likely not functional and certainly is not supported by the active development team. If anyone develops an interest in actively developing and supporting RDMA, we would welcome you.

At the moment we have an NFS-RDMA prototype developed by Dominique Martinet using SoftiWARP, Mooshika, Ganesha, and libntirpc.

SoftiWARP is a software implementation of the iWARP protocol. This offers a common environment for developers. SoftiWARP main website:

Mooshika is an RDMA abstraction layer that is used in libntirpc.

First install some dependencies (assuming rhel6):

    yum install -y autoconf libtool librdmacm libibverbs

Build/install mooshika:

    git clone
    cd mooshika
    git checkout -b next remotes/origin/next
    make install

Build/install softiwarp:

    git clone

    git clone

Build/install Ganesha with patched libntirpc:

To start using softiwarp, load the modules:

    modprobe ib_uverb
    modprobe ib_uverbs
    modprobe rdma_ucm
    modprobe siw         # software iwarp module

To see if an RDMA device is detectable, run this Mooshika tool:

    # rcat -vvvvv -S
    librdmacm: couldn't read ABI version.
    librdmacm: assuming: 4
    CMA: unable to get RDMA device list
    ERROR: rcat.c (368), main: error: msk_init(&trans, &attr) failed (returned 19: No such device).

To NFS mount using RDMA:

    mount -t nfs -o vers=4,port=20049,rdma localhost:/home /mnt/temp

To run a test server and test client:

    mooshika/src/tests/nfsv4_client -s    # this starts a test server
    mooshika/src/tests/nfsv4_client -c    # this starts a test client