On-demand Mobile Charger in Wireless Rechargeable Sensor Network
python main.py --help
usage: main.py [-h] [--num_sensors NUM_SENSORS] [--num_targets NUM_TARGETS] [--mode {train,eval}] [--config CONFIG] [--checkpoint CHECKPOINT] [--save_dir SAVE_DIR]
[--epoch_start EPOCH_START] [--render] [--verbose]
Mobile Charger Trainer
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--num_sensors NUM_SENSORS, -ns NUM_SENSORS
--num_targets NUM_TARGETS, -nt NUM_TARGETS
--mode {train,eval}
--config CONFIG, -cf CONFIG
--save_dir SAVE_DIR, -sd SAVE_DIR
--epoch_start EPOCH_START
--render, -r
--verbose, -v
To run simulation:
python main.py --mode eval --render --verbose -cp checkpoint_path -cf config_path
For examples:
python main.py --checkpoint checkpoints/mc_20_10_0/21 --config configs/mc_20_10_0.yml --mode eval --render --verbose
Parts of the code are based on the following source-codes: