This code base provides a toolkit to train and serve on-device recommendation model. This approach personalizes recommendations by leveraging on-device data, and protects user privacy without having user data leave device.
This code demonstrates the approach with public movielens dataset, but you could adapt the data processing script for your dataset and train your own recommendation model.
We leverage a dual-encoder model architecture, with context-encoder to encode sequential user history and label-encoder to encode predicted recommendation candidate. Similarity between context and label encodings is used to represent the likeliness predicted candidate meets user's needs.
Three different sequential user history encoding techniques are provided with this code base:
- Bag of words encoder (BOW): averaging user activities' embeddings without considering context order.
- Convolutional neural-network encoder (CNN): applying multiple layers of convolutional neural-network to generate context encoding.
- Recurrent neural-network encoder (RNN): applying recurrent neural network (LSTM in this example) to understand context sequence.
Please download the source code, setup your virtualenv and requirements:
cd lite/examples/recommendation/ml
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note that this code base requires python3.5 or later versions.
Please run:
python -m data.example_generation_movielens \
--data_dir=/tmp/recommendation/raw \
--output_dir=/tmp/recommendation/examples \
- Setup json file as sample_config.json, to config model architecture.
- Execute with run_model as "train_and_eval". Encoder type and training parameters could be config through flags.
python -m model.recommendation_model_launcher_keras \
--run_mode "train_and_eval" \
--encoder_type "bow" \
--training_data_filepattern "/tmp/recommendation/examples/train_movielens_1m.tfrecord" \
--testing_data_filepattern "/tmp/recommendation/examples/test_movielens_1m.tfrecord" \
--model_dir "/tmp/recommendation/reco_model" \
--params_path "model/sample_config.json" \
--batch_size 32 \
--learning_rate 0.01 \
--steps_per_epoch 1000 \
--num_epochs 1000 \
--num_eval_steps 1000 \
--gradient_clip_norm 1.0 \
--max_history_length 10
python -m model.recommendation_model_launcher_keras \
--run_mode "export" \
--model_dir "/tmp/recommendation/reco_model" \
--params_path "model/sample_config.json"\
--checkpoint_path "/tmp/recommendation/reco_model/ckpt-1000000" \
--num_predictions 100 \
--max_history_length 10