An implementation and analysis of different K-Means methods on distributed systems in python.
Clustering_on_Clusters.pdf contains the final report of this work
- Conda 4.8.4
- Dependencies can be found in
- Dependencies can be found in
The output of either will append the results to parallel_kmeans_results.csv
and serial_kmeans_results.csv
mpirun -n [NUM OF PROCESSES] python -dn [DATA NAME] -p [PATH TO DATA]
mpirun -n 4 python -dn dense -p ./data/graves
Example Output
Attempting to gather 'dense' from './data/graves'
Loaded './data/graves/dense' n=200 d=2 k=2
Items per process: 13
Converged successfully in 3 iterations
Time Elapsed: 0.00489 seconds.
Attempting to gather 'dense' from './data/graves'
Loaded './data/graves/dense' n=200 d=2 k=2
python -dn [DATA NAME] -p [DATA PATH]
qsub parallel_kmeans.pbs -F "-i [ITERATIONS TO RUN] -p [DATA PATH] -m [DATA NAME]" [QSUB OPTS HERE]
e.g. qsub parallel_kmeans.pbs -F "-i 100 -p ./data/fcps -m atom" -N pk_8_td -l nodes=1:ppn=8,walltime=00:20:00
Will run by default with nodes=1:ppn=4
qsub serial_kmeans.pbs -F "-i [ITERATIONS TO RUN] -p [DATA PATH] -m [DATA NAME]