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Still another dotfiles manager, this time in go

This project mostly functioned as a learning exercise for teaching myself Go. I had written a custom dotfiles manager in Python, so rewriting in Go seemed feasible since I knew my personal requirements, thus making it a "solved" problem for me.


Compiled binaries can be found on the releases page here.


Access Tokens

Godot requires a Personal Access Token exported as GITHUB_PAT. instructions on generating a PAT can be found here. Optionally, if using the Hashicorp Vault integrations, the PAT can be pulled from Vault instead.

User Config

Godot requires 2 config files, ~/.config/godot/config.yaml and a separate config.yaml at the root of your dotfiles repo

The user config file (~/.config/godot/config.yaml) has the following options:

Option Description Required Default
binary-dir Where to place binaries downloaded from github releases No ~/bin
github-user Your github username Yes -
target The name of the target of this particular computer Yes -
dotfiles-url The url of your dotfiles repo No<github-user>/dotfiles
clone-location The location you wish godot to clone its copy of your dotfiles repo (note this is separate from your own usage & clone) No ~/.config/godot/dotfiles
build-location Where to place the rendered config files to symlink against No ~/.config/godot/rendered
package-manager The package manager to use when installing system packages (currently only supports apt & brew) No OS specific
vault-config All Hashicorp Vault related configurations. See the section on Vault for details No -

Godot Config / Dotfiles Layout

Godot expects a certain layout in your dotfiles repo, namely:

  • A config.yaml file at the root of the repo
  • A folder named templates containing any type: config-file templates required

The config.yaml is the actual configuration of what packages, config files, etc you want installed. An example configuration is given below to get you started

    type: github-release
      repo: sharkdp/bat
      is-archive: true
      tag: v0.20.0
      mac-pattern: '.*x86_64-apple-darwin.*'
      linux-pattern: '.*x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.*'
    type: github-release
      repo: sharkdp/fd
      is-archive: true
      tag: v8.3.2
      mac-pattern: '.*x86_64-apple-darwin.*'
      linux-pattern: '.*x86_64-unknown-linux-musl.*'
    type: git-repo
      location: ~/github/diff-so-fancy
        commit: a673cb4d2707f64d92b86498a2f5f71c8e2643d5
    type: config-file
      template-name: dot_fdignore
      destination: ~/.config/fd/ignore
    type: config-file
      template-name: dot_gitconfig
      destination: ~/.gitconfig
    type: sys-package
      apt: tmux
      brew: tmux
    type: bundle
      - fd
      - dot_fdignore
  - fd-bundle
  - tmux
  - git
  - bat
  - diff-so-fancy


There are several types of configuration that godot can manage, they are as follows:

Config Files

type ConfigFile struct {
	Name         string `yaml:"-"`
	TemplateName string `yaml:"template-name" mapstructure:"template-name"`
	Destination  string `yaml:"destination" mapstructure:"destination"`
Field Description Required
template-name the name of the template in the templates folder of the dotfiles repo Yes
destination where the symlink to the rendered config file should be created Yes
no-template do not interpret this file as a template, and instead link exactly as it is No

Config Directories

type ConfigDir struct {
	Name        string `yaml:"-"`
	DirName     string `yaml:"dir-name" mapstructure:"dir-name"`
	Destination string `yaml:"destination" mapstructure:"destination"`
	NoTemplate  bool   `yaml:"no-template" mapstructure:"no-template"`
Field Description Required
dir-name Name of the directory containing the configs relative to the template directory Yes
destination where the symlink to the rendered config files should be created Yes

Git Repo

type GitRepo struct {
	Name        string `yaml:"-"`
	URL         string `yaml:"url" mapstructure:"url"`
	Location    string `yaml:"location" mapstructure:"location"`
	Private     bool   `yaml:"private" mapstructure:"private"`
	TrackLatest bool   `yaml:"track-latest" mapstructure:"track-latest"`
	Ref         Ref    `yaml:"ref" mapstructure:"ref"`

type Ref struct {
	Commit string `yaml:"commit" mapstructure:"commit"`
	Tag    string `yaml:"tag" mapstructure:"tag"`
Field Description Required
url the url of the git repository Yes
location where to clone the repository Yes
private is this a private repo No
track-latest should this repo be kept up to date with the latest changes No
ref.commit ensure that this commit SHA is checked out when the repo is cloned No
ref.tag ensure that this tag is checked out when the repo is cloned No

Github Release

type GithubRelease struct {
	Name           string `yaml:"-"`
	Repo           string `yaml:"repo" mapstructure:"repo"`
	Tag            string `yaml:"tag" mapstructure:"tag"`
	IsArchive      bool   `yaml:"is-archive" mapstructure:"is-archive"`
	Regex          string `yaml:"regex" mapstructure:"regex"`
	MacPattern     string `yaml:"mac-pattern" mapstructure:"mac-pattern"`
	LinuxPattern   string `yaml:"linux-pattern" mapstructure:"linux-pattern"`
	WindowsPattern string `yaml:"windows-pattern" mapstructure:"windows-pattern"`
Field Description Required
repo which repository hosts the binary Yes
tag what release to download (can be "LATEST") Yes
is-archive indicate if the binary is packaged as an archive. Normally this can be auto detected No
regex a regex to find the binary when unpacking an archive release. Only required if multiple files in the archive are executable No
mac-pattern a regex of which asset link to download when running on mac No
linux-pattern a regex of which asset link to download when running on linux No
windows-pattern a regex of which asset link to download when running on windows No

System Package

type SystemPackage struct {
	Name     string `yaml:"-"`
	AptName  string `yaml:"apt" mapstructure:"apt"`
	BrewName string `yaml:"brew" mapstructure:"brew"`
Field Description Required
apt the name of the package when running apt install No
brew the name of the package when running brew install No

A note about apt

Since apt get install <blarg> requires elevated permissions, godot requires that the user can run at minimum sudo apt install without a password prompt, otherwise the tool will prompt you during execution

Url Download

type UrlDownload struct {
	Name       string `yaml:"-"`
	Tag        string `yaml:"tag" mapstructure:"tag"`
	MacUrl     string `yaml:"mac-url" mapstructure:"mac-url"`
	LinuxUrl   string `yaml:"linux-url" mapstructure:"linux-url"`
	WindowsUrl string `yaml:"windows-url" mapstructure:"windows-url"`
Field Description Required
tag the tag to download, will be available as a template var for the urls. Al No
mac-url the url to download from when running on mac No
linux-url the url to download from when running on linux No
windows-url the url to download from when running on windows No


type Bundle struct {
	Name  string `yaml:"-"`
	Items []string `yaml:"items"`
Field Description Required
items the names of any executors that should be installed as part of this bundle Yes


Note: this executor is currently only available when running on linux

type Golang struct {
	Name string `yaml:"-"`
	Version string `yaml:"version" mapstructure:"version"`
Field Description Required
version the version of go to install Yes

Go Install

Note: this executor is currently only available when running on linux

type GoInstall struct {
	Name string `yaml:"-"`
	Package string `yaml:"package" mapstructure:"package"`
	Version string `yaml:"version" mapstructure:"version"`
Field Description Required
package the go get path of the module Yes
version the version of the module to install, defaults to latest No

Hashicorp Vault Integrations

Godot has limited ability to pull values from Hashicorp Vault. These features are gated through the vault-config section in ~/.config/godot/config.yaml.

Option Description Required Default
address Address of the vault server Yes -
token-path Path to the token file for vault No ~/.vault-token
pat-from-vault Instruct godot to pull the Github PAT from vault, requires github-pat-config to be set No -
github-pat-config The path in vault & the key where the github pat is stored No -

A full example of enabling Vault, as well as pulling the PAT from vault is given below

github-user: foobar
target: foo
  pat-from-vault: true
    path: secrets/some/path
    key: github-pat


The files stored in the dotfiles repository will be evaluated as go templates. Information about Go's templating can be found here. Godot defines supplements that with the following

Value Type Meaning Example Usage
Target variable The name of the current target Export an environment variable with the current target name
export GODOT_TARGET="{{ .Target }}"
Submodules variable A special directory in the dotfiles repo for using git submodules export PATH="{{ .Submodules}}/fzf/bin:${PATH}"
Home variable Path to the current users home directory export PATH={{ .Home}}/bin:${PATH}
oneOf function shorthand for evaulating if the current target is in a list
{{ if oneOf . "work" "home"  }}
export FOO="bar"
{{ end }}
notOneOf function The inverse of oneOf, evaluates if the target is not one of the list
VaultLookup function Lookup a Key/Value secret stored in Vault. Requires that vault configuration is set up
{{ VaultLookup "secrets/super-secrets" "my-secret-password" }}
IsInstalled function Check if another piece of configuration is installed
                {{ if IsInstalled "some-tool" }}
                some-tool -init-env
                {{ end }}