Here are some scripts that I use to customize my Linux environment.
- Install MariaDB, PHP7.0, Apache2, Drupal 7.56 on AWS EC2 Linux.
- Fix some scripting errors in official documents.
- Fix permissions for Drupal.
- Install gdb-peda, pwntools, python3-pwntools, binwalk, ipython.
- Install vim, htop, tmux.
- Tested on Ubuntu 16.04.
- Set static IP with Network Manager.
- Automatically detect current IP segment and only change the last byte of it.
- Suitable for private IP.
- Syntax:
./ <last_byte_of_desired_IP>
- Tested on Ubuntu 16.04 and Kali 2017.1.
- Install openssh and automatically generate key.
- Strengthen security options.
- Syntax:
# SSH-Server
# -r: Enable Root Login
# -w: Enable Password Login
./ [-p <port>] [-r] [-w]
# SSH-Client
./ [-a <alias>] [-p <port>] <user>@<host>
- Tested on Ubuntu 16.04, Kali 2017.1 and MacOS.
- Install zsh, oh-my-zsh, zsh-completions.
- Apply Powerline fonts and Solarized for Gnome's terminal.
- Totally automatically install if your password is provided.
- Syntax:
./ <your_password>
- Tested on Ubuntu 16.04, Kali 2017.1.
- Automatically configure SFTP server.
- Create a new user with custom settings.
- With default settings, a user "sftpuser:sftponly" will be created with a password "QwErTy6666", and its upload directory will be in ~/upload.
- Syntax:
./ [-u <username>] [-g <group>] [-p <password>] [<upload_directory>]
- Install Arc-OSX-Icons, Ultra-Flat-Icons, OSX-Arc-Theme for Gnome.
- Automatically install docker.