A react hook thet helps you to interact with Bluetooth Low Energy (BLE) over WebBluetooth
npm install --save use-ble
yarn add use-ble
There are a couple of examples in the examples/
is a async function that returns the device and the GATT-server.
- optionalServices: An array of bluetooth service UUID you want to use later on
- filters: An array of
(for example{name: 'PLAYBULB sphere'}
) - onDisconnect: A callback that passes the device and is fired on disconnect
is a react hook that makes it very convenient to interact with a BLE GATT-Characteristic.
- service: the GATT Service where the characteristic is located
- characteristicUUID: the bluetooth characteristic UUID
- promiseQueueWriteOnlyLast: It determines whether the queue should be processed one after the other or whether the last promise added should always be executed.
- value: DataView (reactive)
- writeValue: (DataView) => void
- readValue: () => Promise<DataView | Error>;