An anomaly detection challenge for data with complex dependency structure.
Accompanying software package.
For further information, please visit our challenge website at
There are three states from India: Bihar, MP (Madhya Pradesh), UP (Uttar Pradesh) Two sets of data from different sources:
Yield data per year per district Source: ICRISAT
Daily weather data (max temperature, min temperature, percipitation, wind, relative humidity, solar) from different weather grid points. Weather data is available for several spatial locations within each district.
Processed data can be aquired at http://... and should contain the following information:
- WDATA (548, 11284, 6) ['Max Temperature' 'Min Temperature' 'Precipitation' 'Wind' 'Relative Humidity' 'Solar']
- DATES (11284, 3) ['Day' 'Month' 'Year']
- STATIONS (548, 4) ['Id' 'Longitude' 'Latitude' 'Elevation']
- DISTS (93, 5) ['DistCode' 'DistName' 'StateCode' 'StateName' 'StationIds']
- LABEL (93, 31) [1979 - 2009]
You can conveniently install the software package using: pip install git+
The most basic example for loading, preparing, training, and testing
is given in
wdata, dates, stations, dists, label = load_data('cylad1.npz')
F = get_basic_weather_station_feats(wdata, dates)
X, inds, y = get_exms_basic_feats(3, F, stations, dates, dists, label)
X_train, inds_train, y_train, X_test, inds_test, y_test = split_train_test(X, inds, y, perc=0.2)
mySvm = svm.LinearSVC(C=1., fit_intercept=False, class_weight='balanced'), y_train)
fpr, tpr, thresholds = metrics.roc_curve(y_test, mySvm.decision_function(X_test), pos_label=+1)
print 'AUC: ', metrics.auc(fpr, tpr)
Note: This example assumes that the processed data 'cylad1.npz' (see website where to download) is stored in your current path.
If you use results, software, or data from this challenge in your own research, please cite our paper: to appear...