A video games database to save your reviews!
The app is based on IGDB API, which provides information on most games.
- Search any game and find information about it (description, rating)
- Create an account to save your favorite games and find them in the "My games" tab
The website is fully responsible and made for mobile as well as desktop web browsers.
cd backend
npm install
cp .env.example .env
You have to provide your own IGDB API key, see IGDB API docs.
You may have to change the database link, based on your own setup. The database has to be PostgreSQL.
# generate the Prisma client
npx prisma generate
# set up the database
npx prisma migrate dev
To seed the database, run the following command:
npx prisma db seed
cd frontend
npm install
cp .env.example .env
cd frontend
npm run dev
Open a separate terminal and start the back-end server.
cd backend
npm run dev