🚀 Buzz is an extremely scalable, low latency, public facing pubsub. Builded with golang on top of hbase/bigtable and google pubsub, it allows you to build awesome user experience with realtime features.
Buzz was designed with performance/scalling/reliability in mind. It rely on battle proved system which allow him to focus on this crucial point
- Publish/Subscribe, publish a message from anywhere and get your users notified instantly with websocket
- Presence, know who is connected or not in a channel, perfect for building presense feature like google docs
- State, you can share a state with your presence, awesome for "is writing" feature.
- Private channel, you can control who have access to a channel.
- Complete admin api, manage your buzz server using a powerfull admin api.
- Monitoring, monitor your server easily with our stackdriver(and more to come) metrics exporter.
Visit the demo project
Visit the documentation
This is our feature roadmap. If you want to ask a new feature. Please open an issue
- Publish/Subscribe
- Presence
- State
- GCP only (bigtable/pubsub)
- Typescript npm package (client)
- Admin api
- Tls terminaison
- Secure channel
- IOS client
- Android client
- Admin ui
- Hbase support
- Kafka support
- Rabbitmq support
Buzz rely on hbase(bigtable), and pubsub, it will scale horizontally if you use managed service like google bigtable and pubsub.
👤 nicolas gere-lamaysouette
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