The Interagency Monitoring of Protected Visual Environments (IMPROVE) network is a collection of ground aerosol monitors around the US. The monitors collect particulate matter for a period of 24 hours every 3 days. Using the method outlined in Achakulwisut et al. (2017), it is possible to derive an estimate for mean monthly fine dust concentrations at the surface from fine soil and iron measurements from the IMRPOVE monitors.
This repository contains code for reading in IMPROVE data (both concentration data and site information), available on the Federal Land Manager Environmental Database website as text files, as a pandas DataFrame object, allowing for easier wrangling in python. The repository also contains a notebook (process_data.ipynb) that derives monthly mean dust concentrations and outputs the results as a csv file. Lastly, a notebook (CA_sitemap.ipynb) shows an interactive folium map for viewing the locations of the IMPROVE monitors in California. Github doesn't have a way to load folium maps, but you can view the map interactivly using nbviewer here-- or, of course, you can clone the repository and run the code yourself!
It is important to note that the IMPROVE netwrok was established to monitor visibility standards established by the federal government in national park and wilderness areas, so most IMPROVE monitors are located in natural spaces, many at high elevations, and few monitors are located in urban areas (with the notable exception of a monitor in Fresno).