Telegram's bot that manage lists. The repository include an Alexa's Skill that send defaults Alexa's Lists (shopping and to-do) to the bot
- bot: contains the source code of the Telegram's bot
- skill: contains the source code of the Alexa's skill
- requirements.txt: contains dependendcy of bot
- skill/lambda/requirements.txt: contains dependendcy of skill
- Procfile: file that run bot on Heroku
Bot is hosted on Heroku. The bot manage list (create, delete, update list and item) and persist data of lists in MongoDB. If an user block the bot, the data will be removed after 25 minutes.
Skill was deployed with Alexa Developer Console. The skill is not published in the skills store of Alexa. Skill can be connected to the bot through chat_id and with this it can send to-do and shopping list to the chat
If you want to use the code, you need to replace environment variables:
- MONGO_URI: connection to the Database
- BOT_TOKEN: token of the Telegram's bot
- IP and PORT: ip and port used by webhook for Heroku