Sneks is an openAI gym environment similar to the classic game Snake. It contains both a single-player version (Snek) and a multi-player version(Sneks). The different environemnts are described below.
The environment can be installed using pip
pip install -e .
- numpy
- gym
- opencv2
We only support Python3. Environments are actively tested on Ubuntu and MACOS. Currently there are some issues with Ubuntu renderer.
At its core, the game state is represented by a matrix of a given size (depends on the various environments). Every different object is associated with different sets of IDs, allowing expansions for new objects and multi-players.
The observation returned by the environment can be of different types:
- raw: returns directly the game matrix, IDs are integer encoded in the range 0-255.
- rgb: returns a color-coded image (0-255), using the color scheme defined in the render object.
- rgb5: returns a color-coded image (0-255) but enlarged in size by a factor of 5. Other scales can be added in the registration file (init file).
- layered: each object is returned in a different channel of an image. This could be better in multi-agent settings (EXPERIMENTAL).
The size of the environment can be set directly choosing between [16, 32, 64], the grid will always be a square.
Actions are discrete, encoded by integers in the range [0,3] representing [UP, RIGHT, DOWN, LEFT]
In multi-agent environments actions are provided as vectors. The step function returns a vector of rewards and done-flags (observation is the same for every player).
Given the many possible configurations for observations and sizes, we adopt a modular naming strategy similar to the OpenAI gym Atari environments. Each environment is of the form:
The various environment types are described below.
First simple environment, only one snake and one goal (food). The episode terminates once the snake eats the food or dies (eats himself or go outside map limits). Just a basic setting to test things out.
- Reach goal (eats): +1
- Move: 0
- Dies: -1
Example environment: babysnek-raw-16-v1
Environment in a 16x16 grid, only one snake and one goal (food). The episode terminates when it reaches the step limit (default: 1000) or if the snake goes outside bounds or eats itself.
- Reach goal (eats): +1
- Move: 0
- Dies: -1
Above a GIF of the environment played by vanilla DQN.
Example environment: snek-rgb-16-v1
Similar to snek-v1, but the snek also has a dynamic step limit which resets after eating, as a progressively increasing hunger.
Example environment: hungysnek-raw-32-v1
- Define various multiagent environments:
- Snakes can eat each other (who wins?).
- Eat or starve, snakes cannot eat each other but food is limited.
- Cooperation game: snakes can eat only if they reach the same food together
- More walls? (Maze-like?) Other block types with different behaviour?