I use PCA quite often, mainly for visualization. This little project is basically a class that I implemented way too often and that provides a nice API to fit PCA to data and use it.
pip install git+https://github.com/nielsrolf/pca
pytest tests
This notebook contains a few examples on how to use PCA for data whitening, decorrelation, dimensionality reduction, reconstruction and plotting the eigenvalues.
import numpy as np
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from pca import PCA
A = np.array([[1, 0.5], [-1, 2]])
x = np.random.normal(0, 1, size=[1000, 2])@A
pca = PCA(x)
x_whitened = pca.transform(x, ndims=3)
x_decorrelated = pca.decorrelate(x)
plt.scatter(x[:,0], x[:,1], label="Original data")
print("Covariance of the original data:\n", np.cov(x.T).round(2))
plt.scatter(x_decorrelated[:,0], x_decorrelated[:,1], label="Decorrelated", alpha=0.3)
print("Covariance of the decorrelated data:\n", np.cov(x_decorrelated.T).round(2))
plt.scatter(x_whitened[:,0], x_whitened[:,1], label="Whitened data", alpha=0.3)
print("Covariance of the whitened data:\n", np.cov(x_whitened.T).round(2))
Covariance of the original data:
[[ 2. -1.49]
[-1.49 4.33]]
Covariance of the decorrelated data:
[[5.06 0. ]
[0. 1.27]]
Covariance of the whitened data:
[[1. 0.]
[0. 1.]]
If we use PCA to project D
-dimensional data onto the d
-dimensional hyperplane and then project this back to the original space, we will end up with some reconstruction error. PCA finds linear transformations from the D
-dimensional space into the d
-dimensional space, such that this error is minimal. This leads to the error being orthogonal to the hyperplane, which we can show here:
x = x[:100]
x_w = pca.transform(x, ndims=1)
x_r = pca.inverse_transform(x_w)
plt.figure(figsize=(8, 8))
plt.scatter(x[:,0], x[:,1], label='Original')
for i in range(len(x)):
plt.plot([x[i,0], x_r[i,0]], [x[i,1], x_r[i,1]], color='blue')
plt.scatter(x_r[:,0], x_r[:,1], label='1D Reconstruction')
plt.xlim(-4, 4)
plt.ylim(-4, 4)
For this example, you will need to install tensorflow. You could also load MNIST from another source if you would like to avoid installing tensorflow.
!pip install tensorflow
def visualize_digits(X, Y=None):
X = (X+1)/2
X = X.reshape([-1, 28, 28])
rows, cols = int(np.sqrt(len(X))), int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(len(X))))
fig, axes = plt.subplots(nrows=rows, ncols=cols, squeeze=False,
for i, x in enumerate(X):
row = int(i/cols)
col = i % cols
ax = axes[row][col]
if Y is not None:
y = Y[i]
which='both', # both major and minor ticks are affected
bottom=False, # ticks along the bottom edge are off
top=False, # ticks along the top edge are off
labelleft=False) # labels along the bottom edge are off
ax.imshow(x, cmap='gray')
from tensorflow.keras.datasets import mnist
(X_train, Y_train), (X_test, Y_test) = mnist.load_data()
pca = PCA(X_train[:1000])
# pca.plot_reconstruction_error_over_ndims(X_train)
print("First eigenvecotrs")
eigenvectors = pca.get_eigenvectors(6)
plt.imshow(pca.mean.reshape(28, 28), cmap='gray')
plt.title("Data Mean")
First eigenvecotrs
data = X_test[:7]
imgs = []
for d in [1, 3, 9, 27, 81, 243]:
x_d = pca.transform(data, d)
x_r = pca.inverse_transform(x_d)
imgs += [x_r]
imgs += [data]
imgs = np.concatenate(imgs, axis=0)
!pip install plotly
!pip install pandas
import plotly.express as px
import pandas as pd
def plot_classes(X, Y, labels=range(10), s=1, show_legend=True, **kwargs):
pca = PCA(X[:1000])
X = pca.decorrelate(X, 3)
df = pd.DataFrame(X, columns=["x", "y", "z"])
df["Label"] = Y if Y.ndim==1 else Y.argmax(1)
fig = px.scatter_3d(df, x="x", y="y", z="z",
plot_classes(X_test, Y_test)
To see the 3d scatter plot, have a look at the notebook.