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This build of FreeGLUT using Conan and Bincrafters tools is under development. Ubuntu 18.0 with gcc 7 works. Travis and AppVeyor builds for Linux and Windows are actively maintained. Mac support is under consideration for X11/GLX.
$ conan install glut/3.0.0@bincrafters/testing
If you handle multiple dependencies in your project is better to add a conanfile.txt
Complete the installation of requirements for your project running:
$ mkdir build && cd build && conan install ..
Note: It is recommended that you run conan install from a build directory and not the root of the project directory. This is because conan generates conanbuildinfo files specific to a single build configuration which by default comes from an autodetected default profile located in ~/.conan/profiles/default . If you pass different build configuration options to conan install, it will generate different conanbuildinfo files. Thus, they should not be added to the root of the project, nor committed to git.