Publishing extension has been preconfigured for deployment to Maven Central repository via OSSRH. A jar file with
documentation (javadoc.jar
) is created with Dokka. In order to sigh the publication, you have to provide one of the
following sets of environmental variables:
- SIGN_KEY_ID - The public key ID (The last 8 symbols of the keyId)
- SIGN_KEY - The secret (private) key
- SIGN_KEY_PASSPHRASE - The passphrase used to protect your private key
- SIGN_KEY - The secret (private) key
- SIGN_KEY_PASSPHRASE - The passphrase used to protect your private key
For more information about signing the publication, please refer to the Signing Plugin readme.
OSSRH credentials also have to be provided via
environmental variables.
Please follow the OSSRH guide for the detailed steps on how to get the credentials and claim the group name.
Finally, the publication can be started with ./gradlew publish
gpg --list-keys --keyid-format short
export SIGN_KEY_B64=$(gpg --armor --export-secret-keys B6083312 | base64)
export SIGN_KEY=$(gpg --armor --export-secret-keys B6083312)
export SIGN_KEY_ID=B6083312
export SONATYPE_USER=user
export SONATYPE_PASSWORD=password
./gradlew publish
./gradlew publishToSonatype closeAndReleaseSonatypeStagingRepository
publishing {
repositories {
maven {
name = "OSSRH"
if (isRemoteRepositoryEnabled) {
credentials {
username = System.getenv("SONATYPE_USER")
password = System.getenv("SONATYPE_PASSWORD")
} else {