Responsive masonry layout engine for react.
What makes this different
Obviously, this isn't the first masonry layout component for react.
- Uses standard media queries to set column counts. Media queries are parsed and intepreted by the browser, not the component.
- Unopinionated about whats inside, with no modifications to your elements. No event handlers bound, no styles applied.
- Simple layout logic. Items are rendered by the browser in a standard inline-block flow, then the component repositions the elements vertically to consume white space between column neighbors.
live demo:
npm install react-stone-mason
yarn add react-stone-mason
const columnConfig = {
[break point]: {
query: '[CSS media query]',
columns: [number of columns],
<Mason columns={columnConfig}>{ children }</Mason>
break point - any name, for readability.
CSS media query - (optional) a media query string. see: Window.matchMedia()
- if a query isn't provided, the column value will be treated as the default/fallback value.
columns - number of columns to divide child elements into.
- CSS transitions and animations on element size can foil the resizeObserver.
- The Mason component will wrap your elements in a div and apply the following CSS properties to the Mason owned divs:
- box-sizing: inherit;
- display: inline-block;
- vertical-align: top;
- width: var(--cell-width);
- Adding additional styles to these Mason controlled elements can interfer with positioning. Proceede with caution.
import React from 'react'
import Mason from 'react-stone-mason'
function App() {
return (
<div className="App">
<Mason columns={ default: { columns: 3 } }>{ [children] }</Mason>
export default App
import React from 'react'
import Mason from 'react-stone-mason'
function App() {
const columnConfig = {
small: {
query: '(max-width: 720px)',
columns: 2
medium: {
query: '(min-width: calc(721px)) and (max-width: calc(1022px) )',
columns: 3
large: {
query: '(min-width: 1023px)',
columns: 4
return (
<div className="App">
<Mason columns={columnConfig}>{ [children] }</Mason>
export default App;