_____ _ _
/__ \___ _ __ ___ _ __ | | __ _| |_ ___ _ __
/ /\/ _ \ '_ ` _ \| '_ \| |/ _` | __/ _ \| '__|
/ / | __/ | | | | | |_) | | (_| | || (_) | |
\/ \___|_| |_| |_| .__/|_|\__,_|\__\___/|_|.js
|_| Take control of tmplating
Setup in HTML:
<script src="Template/lib/jquery.js">/* Required */</script>
<script src="Template/lib/parsers/{language of choice goes here}.js">/* Required if utilizing 3rd party langauge */</script>
<script src="Template/Templator.js">/* Required */</script>
To initialize Templator, load it into a variable like so:
var Template = new Templator();
All options for Templator, not all required:
var Template = new Templator({
language: 'jSmart', // Supported Languages: jSmart, EJS, Moustache, Trimpath, YAJET, JST, HAML, or Empty
cache: {
enabled: false,
life: 32000,
tick: 1000
var Template = new Templator({ language: '' });
Template.renderRaw('Hello {name}!', { name: 'World' });
That is about as simple as you can make it without utilizing any external templating libraries.
Utilizing Partials, Storage, 3rd Party Templating language, and Element control
var Template = new Templator({ language: 'yajet' });
Template.storeElement('tmpl', '.tmpl', { foo: 'Hello', bar: 'World!' });
Template.partialElement({ partial: '.partial' }, {}, 'tmpl');
Or you can chain it:
var Template = new Templator({ language: 'yajet' })
.storeElement('tmpl', '.tmpl', { foo: 'Hello', bar: 'World!' })
.partialElement({ partial: '.partial' }, {}, 'tmpl')
HTML used for this example:
<div class="this"></div>
<div class="tmpl">$partial you said: $foo $bar</div>
<div class="partial">Testing that </div>
var Template = new Templator({ language: 'Moustache' })
.store('main', 'templates/main.ms', { title: 'My Example - Home' })
.partial({ header: 'templates/partials/header.ms', footer: 'templates/partials/footer.ms' }, { location: 'index' }, 'main')
.partial({ content: 'templates/site/content.ms' }, {}, 'main')
Directory Setup:
- index.html
- templates /
- partials /
- header.ms
- content.ms
- main.ms
- partials /
- templates /
To all templating languages that this supports. (jSmart, EJS, Moustache, Trimpath, YAJET, JST, TFTsl, HAML)
AOL License http://aol.nexua.org Copyright 2011-2012 - Nijikokun nijikokun@gmail.com