User is on a week long vacation and would like to explore the natural beauties of a designated area.
AS A traveler with a dedicated time frame
I WANT search for activities, warnings, or closures in my desired area
SO THAT I can plan my trip effectively\
GIVEN I am planning activities for an outdoor adventure
WHEN I enter the name of a US state
THEN I get a list of National Parks within that state\
WHEN I select the name of a National Park
THEN I get to view the weather, campgrounds, alerts, activities/things to do. Ex Weather: 3 day forecast; Campgrounds: List of campgrounds open; Alerts: Any alerts I’d need to know, like park closures or fire bans; Activities/Things to Do: Events happening in the park, lookout spots
WHEN I hit the go back button
THEN I am presented with search results from the state I previously searched\
In the future, we hope to add more features to our website like weather-related background images, a 'Random Park' search button, a dropdown menu of options within each park, a list of entrance fees for any relevant parks, and a connection to the Tripadvisor API to give the user other activities in the area.
In this app we used teh following APIs: moment.js, National Park Service, Weatherbit, jQuery UI, and Materialize
Hunter Booth
John Dusang
Kimberly Owens
Nikki Castle\
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