A script used with i3blocks
that monitors weather from Accuweather and displays the weather on your bar.
Modified from the script found here.
Scans the WeatherText
and displays the temperature
with its corresponding Font Awesome
Changed the perl script to modify the output:
'use utf8;
if (/Currently/) {chomp;/\<title\>Currently: (.*)?\<\/title\>/;
my @values=split(":",$1);
if( $values[0] eq "Sunny" || $values[0] eq "Mostly Sunny" || $values[0] eq "Partly Sunny" || $values[0] eq "Intermittent Clouds" || $values[0] eq "Hazy Sunshine" || $values[0] eq "Hazy Sunshine" || $values[0] eq "Hot")
{my $sun = "";binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");print "$sun";}
if( $values[0] eq "Mostly Cloudy" || $values[0] eq "Cloudy" || $values[0] eq "Dreary (Overcast)" || $values[0] eq "Fog")
{my $cloud = "";binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");print "$cloud";}
if( $values[0] eq "Showers" || $values[0] eq "Mostly Cloudy w/ Showers" || $values[0] eq "Partly Sunny w/ Showers" || $values[0] eq "T-Storms"|| $values[0] eq "Mostly Cloudy w/ T-Storms"|| $values[0] eq "Partly Sunny w/ T-Storms"|| $values[0] eq "Rain")
{my $rain = "";binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");print "$rain";}
if( $values[0] eq "Windy"){my $wind = "";binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");print "$wind";}
if($values[0] eq "Flurries" || $values[0] eq "Mostly Cloudy w/ Flurries" || $values[0] eq "Partly Sunny w/ Flurries"|| $values[0] eq "Snow"|| $values[0] eq "Mostly Cloudy w/ Snow"|| $values[0] eq "Ice"|| $values[0] eq "Sleet"|| $values[0] eq "Freezing Rain"|| $values[0] eq "Rain and Snow"|| $values[0] eq "Cold")
{my $snow = "";binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");print "$rain";}
if($values[0] eq "Clear" || $values[0] eq "Mostly Clear" || $values[0] eq "Partly Cloudy"|| $values[0] eq "Intermittent Clouds"|| $values[0] eq "Hazy Moonlight"|| $values[0] eq "Mostly Cloudy"|| $values[0] eq "Partly Cloudy w/ Showers"|| $values[0] eq "Mostly Cloudy w/ Showers"|| $values[0] eq "Partly Cloudy w/ T-Storms"|| $values[0] eq "Mostly Cloudy w/ Flurries" || $values[0] eq "Mostly Cloudy w/ Snow")
{my $night = "";binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8");print "$night";}
print"$values[1]"; }'