Welcome to my second project. This project is a Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock game involving the programming languages HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript. This game will demonstrate basic JavaScript functionality.
Here is a link to the final project
Everybody knows the basic Rock, Paper, Scissors game, but not everyone knows about the Rock, Paper, Scissors, Lizard, Spock game which originated from the TV show, Big Bang Theory ( Season 2 Episode 8 - "The Lizard-Spock Expansion" ). This game adds 2 extra weapons, Lizard and Spock. This changes the dynamic of the game giving the player/s more variety to win.
The main goal of this game is to create a fun entertaining game that is interactive to the user and to display the basic use of JavaScript functions. I want the player to be engaged with the game.
First Time Visitor Goals
- As a first-time visitor, I want to be engaged with the concept of the game.
- As a first-time visitor, I want to be able to easily understand the rules of the game.
- As a first-time visitor, I want to play the game to win.
Returning Visitor Goals
- As a Returning Visitor, I want to beat the computer.
Frequent User Goals
- As a Frequent User, I want to check to see if we have adjusted the game emojis.
The game should be engaging and display a winner and loser.
- The weapon selection is clear.
- The user interface is easy to navigate.
- The game is responsive on all devices including mobile, tablet and desktop.
- Online gaming
It is really important to include responsive design in this project as many users are using different devices (mobile, tablet, laptop/PC). This gives the user the best experience on their device.
- Responsive on all device sizes
- Easy navigation through labelled buttons
- Footer at the bottom of the index page that links to the social media website.
- All elements will be consistent including font size, font family, colour scheme.
My overall color scheme used are below in an example, and are used throughout the site. These colo urs would be best suited for a space game. I gained a lot of inspiration from the Black Mirror Episode - "USS Calister".
- Crimson Red
- Dodger Blue
- Royal Blue
Purple Patriarch
I used Balsamiq to create my wireframes as this gives the template of the UI. This also shows where all elements will be placed within the screen.
There are 3 versions of each wireframe as one shows the design on a web browser and the other show on a Ipad and Iphone
Rules button - This button opens up a popup modal. This modal explains all the rules for the game. Listing the winning possibilities of each weapon.
Start game button - This button will allow the user to navigate to the game page.
Footer - The footer is placed at the bottom of this page. This contains all social media links that open up in a new tab. When hovering over each icon, the icon changes to another hint of blue.
Results - The results section of the page shows the user the outcome of the round.
Scoreboard - The scoreboard shows the current score between user and computer. I have color coded the player and computer. So the player will be red, and the computer blue. Once, you start playing, the player presses the emoji they select. Once that happens, the computer option will come up in blue, and the score updates depending on if you win/lose. A sentence will appear telling you the results, taking you back to the home page.
Select your option - This section allows the player to select their desired weapon. There are 5 icons rock, paper, scissors, lizard, spock. When hovering over each weapon the icon background changes colour to give the user confirmation before selecting the weapon.
Player/Computer choices - This section shows the selection of weapons made by the player and the generated weapon selection for the computer. This uses the same icons as the initial weapon selection part.
X option- This button will take the user back to the index page.
Index Page - if you click out, you will get another pop up modal of start new game or continue the one you are in.
The game will end and take you to the homepage, showing who won once a player reaches the 2 score.
- The project uses HyperText Markup Language.
- CSS3
- The project uses Cascading Style Sheets.
- JavaScript
- The project uses JavaScript.
- Chrome
- The project uses Chrome to debug and test the source code using HTML5.
- Balsamiq
- Balsamiq was used to create the wireframes during the design process.
- Google Fonts
- Google fonts were used to import the "Sans-Serif" font into the style.css file which is used on all pages throughout the project.
- GitHub
- GitHub was used to store the project's code after being pushed from Git.
I used GitHub pages to deploy my final project. To do this I had to:
- Login or Sign Up to [GitHub] - https://github.com/nikhilkalhan92/Project-2
- Create a new repository named "Project-2"
- Once created, click on "Settings" on the navigation bar under the repository title.
- Choose which folder to deploy from, I used "/root".
- Click "Save", then wait for it to be deployed.
- The URL will be displayed above the "source" section in GitHub Pages.
If you need to make a copy of a repository:
- Login or Sign Up to GitHub.
- On GitHub, go to nikhilkalhan92/Project-2.
- In the top right corner, click "Fork".
I have tested my site on Safari and google chrome on multiple devices.
These include:
- iPhone X
- iPhone XS Max
- iPad Pro
- Macbook Pro
- Web Browser
- Background - I tested this on Chrome and Safari on all devices.
- Text: I checked that all text is in the correct and consistent size and font. I also checked that there were no spelling errors.
- I checked that all pages and elements were responsive.
- Rules button - When selecting the "rules" button, a popup modal appears with rules of the game. This worked as expected.
- Start game button - When selecting the "start game" button, a popup modal appears to the game page. This worked as expected.
- Facebook - When selecting the Facebook icon, a new tab opens and redirects to the Facebook website. It worked as expected.
- Twitter - When selecting the Twitter icon, a new tab opens and redirects to the Twitter website. It worked as expected.
- YouTube - When selecting the YouTube icon, a new tab opens and redirects to the YouTube website. It worked as expected.
- Instagram - When selecting the Instagram icon, a new tab opens and redirects to the Instagram website. It worked as expected.
- Results - I checked that the result output is displaying the correct caption for the winning / losing outcomes.
- Scoreboard - I checked that the score board increments the correct score for player and computer.
- Select your Option - I checked that the icons are all the same size and display the correct colours when hovering over them.
- Player/Computer choices - I checked that the player button selected appears in the user choice and that the generated computer choice is displaying correctly.
- Made sure the X button takes you back to the homepage
- The game will you if you have beaten the computer or won, once one player get to a score of 2.
I tested my website using Google Chrome Developer Tools Lighthouse feature, and received the results below:
- HTML Validator Results
I used to check for any errors within my HTML pages. I had no errors in the index.
Link to my background photo is here - https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/samples/microsoft/rockpaperscissorslizardspock/azure-rock-paper-scissors/
These are the JS errors that I resolved.
Landing Page
I didn't change anything on the landing page. All elements were exactly how I imagined from my wireframe.
Game Page
I added a new game option
I added the win/lose scenario so the player would know who won the match.
Thank you to my mentor Marcel for the help and guidance.
and my best friend Jayden Maddison!