- cities game
- Akinator
- AIDungeon (1.x version)
- DuckDuckGo search
- ParlAI BST conversations
- Google TTS
- Yandex.SpeechKit
Requirements: python3.9, gcc, gcc-fortran, rust-nightly compilers Create virtualenv and install packages (I suggest using direnv for it):
poetry install
Set credentials
export DIALOGFLOW_PROJECT_ID=<project ID for DialogFlow>
export TOKEN=<Discord bot token>
export YANDEX_API_KEY=<API key from Yandex Cloud management console>
export GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS=<path to google-application-credentials.json>
Then run
python -m discordflow
and invite bot to your Discord server, it will join first voice channel. Say one of Porcupine wakeup words then ("computer" for example) and ask your question.