Development, improvement and testing of various reinforcement learning algorithms.
Focus is on finding an effective algorithm for the Cabworld.
The algorithms can also be applied to all other OpenAIGym environments.
- MA-DQN with different extensions
- A2C
- MA-PPO (individual)
WIP: Seperate Network to enable agents to communicate
pip install -r requirements.txt
pip install -e .
Please use the config.toml files in cablab/configs
cd cablab
python3 -a dqn -n 100 -env v0
python3 -a ppo -n 100 -env v1
python3 -a ma-dqn -n 100 -env v2
usage: python3 -a ALGORITHM -n NUMBER -env ENVIRONMENT
error: the following arguments are required: -a/--algorithm, -n/--number, -env/--environment
Uses the most recent model. Models can only be deployed in environments they were trained in.
python3 -a ppo -n 10 -env v0 -r True
usage: python3 -a ALGORITHM -n NUMBER -env ENVIRONEMTN [-w WAIT] [-r RENDER] [-e EVAL]
error: the following arguments are required: -a/--algorithm, -n/--number, -env/--environment
Every traning run creates basic plots and use-case specific plots. Example plots for Cabworld v0 for PPO, DQN and M-DQN