Run the application
This task is bulid in Expo React native
- Node.js and a phone or emulator
Step 1: Clone this repository and then open in Visual Code Editor
Step 2: Run the following command for first time.
npm install
Step 3: Run the following command for run the application.
npx expo start
Step 4: First is the Login Screen. Input the following credentials.
password: pistol
- If you can enter wrong email or password so that time show the alert box and they say is "Invalid email or password".
Step 5: After successful login. You can redirect the Disclaimer screen. - This screen is visible the only one time after accept the Disclaimer. - If you can login asiagn so that time redirect Select Station screen.
Step 6: In Select Station screen, list of petrol station. - You can serach the pantone_value (API respone value).
Step 7: After selecting sttion you can redirect details(selectd station screen) screen.
- Here is timer, you can start and stop using button.
- If you can press the button start at that time timer is statred and Station Subscribed is shown else Subscribe Station is shown.
- The details screen has individual timers that are saved in storage. If the application is closed or restarted, the timer will resume from the previous time.
Thank You.