A protobuf compiler for Clojure wrappers
- All reflection done at compile time, so it's really fast
- Play well with IOFactory, so that protobufs can be cast to and from InputStreams
- Handle Nested Objects, Repeated Objects and Enums
- Access fields by keywords
- Add to project deps somehow
; Declare the functions key-value-pair and nested-object
; Sample1 is the root of the proto definition.
(defprotos sample1 Sample1
key-value-pair Sample1$KeyValuePair
nested-object Sample1$NestedObject)
(def object (key-value-pair {:key "foo" :value "bar"}))
(def back-to-map (mapify object)) ; -> {:key "foo" :value "bar"}
(clojure.java.io/input-stream object) ; -> BufferedInputStream (for ring)