Here are the exercises for the first/second session of our RL course.
Create a virtual environment, with python or conda, e.g.
conda create -n rl python=3.10
conda activate rl
Then, update your pip!
pip install --upgrade pip
Clone the repository and get into RL-course-DSR. Now you can install the required
packages which are listed in requirements.txt
, for example
pip install -r requirements.txt
The presentation of the course can be found here.
The old testament bible, God him/her/theirselves.
Deep Reinforcement Learning, Sergey Levine.
Introduction to Reinforcement Learning, David Silver.
Reinforcement Learning Virtual School, 2021.
Finally, the real bible!
- OpenAI Gym environments a collection of RL Hello worlds environments.
- A short list of interesting environments
- A more exhaustive list of environments
- InstaDeep's Jumanji
Stable Baselines is a set of improved implementations of Reinforcement Learning (RL) algorithms based on OpenAI Baselines. You can find good papers here!
RLlib is an open-source library for reinforcement learning.