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nimamoosavi edited this page Aug 25, 2021 · 12 revisions

this project use for connect to controller layer of Crud ladder project and another client

See more about Crud ladder project


The library works with Java 8+, ladder framework 1.0.1+


this project create default Micro Client and used mapstruct library for casting object





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a simple abstract implementation of REST controller that support CRUD operations, and which you can use in your application



public ResponseEntity<BaseDTO> create(@Valid @RequestBody S s)

s is the object of request model

return ResponseEntity<BaseDTO < R>> that R the view model you must add to controller

this method save data to DataBase that you must implement in repository layer


public ResponseEntity<BaseDTO> update(@Valid @RequestBody S s, @Valid @RequestParam I id)

s is the object of request model

id is your IncrementalId of DataBase

ResponseEntity<BaseDTO < R>> that R the view model you must add to controller

apiNote this method save data to DataBase that you must implement in repository layer


public ResponseEntity<BaseDTO> deleteById(@Valid @RequestParam I id)

id is your IncrementalId of DataBase

ResponseEntity<BaseDTO < Boolean>> is the true or false result in BaseDTO pattern

used for delete an entity from data base


public ResponseEntity<BaseDTO> findByID(@Valid @RequestParam I id)

id is your IncrementalId of DataBase

ResponseEntity<BaseDTO < R>> that R the view model you must add to controller

this method used for get object from Identify number of data base

@GetMapping(value = "/all")

public ResponseEntity<BaseDTO<List>> findAll()

@return ResponseEntity<BaseDTO < List < R>>> that R the view model you must add to controller

used for getAll data from data base , you must know that the cost of this method is high and you can used findListByPagination Or findByPagination for fetch data

@GetMapping(value = "/all/pagination")

public ResponseEntity<BaseDTO<PageDTO<List>>> findListByPagination(@Valid @RequestParam Integer page, @RequestParam Integer pageSize)

page is the number of page you need to fetch

pageSize is the sizable page of data

ResponseEntity<BaseDTO < PageDTO < List < R>>>> this methode return PageDTO that is all data in it

@PostMapping(value = "/all/pagination")

public ResponseEntity<BaseDTO<PageDTO<List>>> findListByPagination(@Valid @RequestParam Integer page, @RequestParam Integer pageSize, @RequestBody String orders)

page is the number of page you need to fetch

pageSize is the sizable page of data

orders is the list of fields and your direction such as Asc and Desc for Sorting

return ResponseEntity<BaseDTO < PageDTO < List < R>>>> this methode return PageDTO that is all data in it

@GetMapping(value = "/all/pagination/detail")

public ResponseEntity<BaseDTO<PageDTO<List>>> findByPagination(@Valid @RequestParam Integer page, @RequestParam Integer pageSize)

page is the number of page you need to fetch

pageSize is the sizable page of data

return ResponseEntity<BaseDTO < PageDTO < List < R>>>> this methode return PageDTO that is all data in it

@PostMapping(value = "/all/pagination/detail")

public ResponseEntity<BaseDTO<PageDTO<List>>> findByPagination(@Valid @RequestParam Integer page, @RequestParam Integer pageSize, @RequestBody String orders)

page is the number of page you need to fetch

pageSize is the sizable page of data

orders is the list of fields and your direction such as Asc and Desc for Sorting

return ResponseEntity<BaseDTO < PageDTO < List < R>>>> this methode return PageDTO that is all data in it

@GetMapping(value = "/exists/ById")

public ResponseEntity<BaseDTO> existsById(@Valid @RequestParam I id)

id is your IncrementalId of DataBase

return the Boolean of result

@GetMapping(value = "/count")

public ResponseEntity<BaseDTO> count()

return the number of objects

apiNote this controller used for the count of data


@RequestMapping(value = "/rest/integration/v1/affair")
@Api(value = "Integration", protocols = "HTTP")
@SwaggerDefinition(tags = {@Tag(name = "Integration", description = "سرویس مدیریت اطلاعات")})
public class AffairController extends BaseController<Affair, AffairReqVM, AffairResVM, Long> {


a simple abstract implementation of Service that support CRUD operations, and which you can use in your application


BaseDTO< R > save(@NotNull S s)

s is the Request view Model that you can save it in Data Base

return the Response View Model that you must set in base class

this method used for save in Data Base

BaseDTO< List< R > > saveAll(List< S > sList)

sList is the list of Request view Model that you can save it in Data Base

return the list of Response of view model

this method used for save batch in Data base

BaseDTO< R > update(@NotNull S s, @NotNull I id)

s is the Request view Model that you can save it in Data Base

id is the incrementalId of dataBase

return the result of view Model

this method used for update the Data

BaseDTO< Boolean > deleteById(@NotNull I id)

id is the incrementalId of dataBase

return the result such as true or false

this methode used for delete Data with the incrementalId

BaseDTO findById(@NotNull I id)

id is the incrementalId of dataBase

BaseDTO< R > is the result of find that you can give it the Response View Model

this method used for fetch data from dataBase with the incrementalId of object

BaseDTO< Boolean > existsById(@NotNull I id)

id is the incrementalId of dataBase

return the result such as true or false

used for to know that this incrementalId is in Data Base Or Not

BaseDTO< List< R > > getAll()

return BaseDTO< List < R > > the list of response view model Data

this method used for get all data from dataBse that you must know that the cost of this method is very expensive you can choose the method findListByPagination(...) and findByPagination(..) for fetch by pagination

BaseDTO< PageDTO < List < R >>> findListByPagination(int page, int pageSize)

page is the number of page you need to fetch

pageSize is the sizable page of data

return BaseDTO<PageDTO < List < R>>> this methode return PageDTO that is all data in it

BaseDTO<PageDTO<List>> findListByPagination(int page, int pageSize, String orders)

page is the number of page you need to fetch

pageSize is the sizable page of data

orders is the list of fields and your direction such as Asc and Desc

return BaseDTO<PageDTO < List < R>>> this methode return PageDTO that is all data in it

BaseDTO<PageDTO<List>> findByPagination(int page, int pageSize)

page is the number of page you need to fetch

pageSize is the sizable page of data

return BaseDTO<PageDTO < List < R>>> this methode return PageDTO that is all data in it

this method call count method and return the count of data

BaseDTO<PageDTO<List>> findByPagination(int page, int pageSize, String orders)

page is the number of page you need to fetch

pageSize is the sizable page of data

orders are the list of fields and your direction such as Asc and Desc

return BaseDTO<PageDTO < List < R>>> this methode return PageDTO that is all data in it

this method call count method and return the count of data

BaseDTO count()

return the number of data

this method used for count of data objects


public class AffairService extends GeneralService<Affair, AffairReqVM, AffairResVM, Long> {


Mappers are used to convert DTOs to entities and vice versa. This is done automatically thanks to MapStruct framework

this class used for map compile time and used is the protocol that implement by mapStruct library version 1.3.1.Final you must create interface and extended it you must create interface and extended it


public abstract R requestToBaseObject(S source);

source is the source of request view model

return the R is the Object

method used for cast request to BaseObject

public abstract S toRequestModel(R target)

target the BaseObject of object

return the Request view model

public abstract List< R > requestToBaseObject(List< S > sourceList)

sourceList the list of Request view Model

method used for cast List Response View Model to List BaseObject

public abstract List< S > toRequestModel(List< R > targetList)

targetList the list of Response View Model

return the List Of Request View Model

method used for cast List Response View Model to List Request View Model

public abstract List< S > toRequestModels(List< R > targetList)

targetList the List Of BaseObject

return the List of Response View Model

method used for cast Iterable Of BaseObject to List Of Request View Model

public abstract R responseToBaseObject(R source)

source the Response View Model

public abstract R toResponseModel(R target)

target the BaseObject Object

return the Response View Model

method used for cast BaseObject to Response

public abstract List< R > responseToBaseObject(List< R > sourceList)

sourceList the List Of Response View Model

return the list Of BaseObject

used for cast Iterable of Response to List Of BaseObject

public abstract List< R > toResponseModel(List< R > targetList)

targetList the List of BaseObject

return the List Of Response View Model

used for cast to Iterable of BaseObject to List Of Response


@Mapper(componentModel = "spring")
public abstract class AffairMapper extends GeneralMapper<Affair, AffairReqVM, AffairResVM, Long> {


this class used for connect to another microservice that extended from Base Controller

BaseDTO< R > create(@NotNull S s)

s is the Request view Model that you can save it another microservices

return the Response View Model that you must set in base class

this method used for save data in another microservices

BaseDTO< R > update(@NotNull S s, @NotNull I id)

s is the Request view Model that you can save it in Another Microservices

id is the incrementalId of in Another Microservices

return the result of view Model

this method used for update Another Microservices

BaseDTO< Boolean > deleteById(@NotNull I id)

id is the incrementalId of Another Microservices

return the result such as true or false

this methode used for delete Data with the incrementalId

BaseDTO< R > findById(@NotNull I id)

id is the incrementalId of Another Microservices

BaseDTO< R > is the result of find that you can give it the Response View Model

this method used for fetch data from Another Microservices with the incrementalId of object

BaseDTO< Boolean > existsById(@NotNull I id)

id is the incrementalId of Another Microservices

return the result such as true or false

used for to know that this incrementalId is in Another Microservices Or Not

BaseDTO< List< R > > getAll()

return BaseDTO<List < R>> the list of response view model Data

this method used for get all data from Another Microservices that you must know that the cost of this method is very expensive you can choose the method findListByPagination(...) and findByPagination(..) for fetch by pagination

BaseDTO<PageDTO< List< R >> > findListByPagination(Integer page, Integer pageSize)

page is the number of page you need to fetch

pageSize is the sizable page of data

return BaseDTO<PageDTO < List < R>>> this methode return PageDTO that is all data in it

BaseDTO<PageDTO<List>> findListByPagination(Integer page, Integer pageSize, String orders)

page is the number of page you need to fetch

pageSize is the sizable page of data

orders orders is the list of fields and your direction such as Asc and Desc

return BaseDTO<PageDTO < List < R>>> this methode return PageDTO that is all data in it

BaseDTO<PageDTO<List>> findByPaginationByDetail(Integer page, Integer pageSize)

page is the number of page you need to fetch

pageSize is the sizable page of data

return BaseDTO<PageDTO < List < R>>> this methode return PageDTO that is all data in it

this method call count method and return the count of data

BaseDTO< PageDTO< List < R >>> findByPaginationByDetail(Integer page, Integer pageSize, String orders)

page is the number of page you need to fetch

pageSize is the sizable page of data

orders is the list of fields and your direction such as Asc and Desc

return BaseDTO<PageDTO < List < R>>> this methode return PageDTO that is all data in it

this method call count method and return the count of data

BaseDTO< Long > count()

return the number of data

this method used for count of data objects


this config set default but you can change it by Your Application Properties

