Deploys Vault server on Kubernetes and connects with existing HashiCorp Consul cluster.
Addition to vault-consul module which can be deployed on a second Vault cluster to auto-unseal the main cluster with Vault's transit engine.
- Deploy Vault 1 (e.g. with vault-consul) - do NOT enable auto-unseal yet.
- Forward port 8200 and initialize Vault 1:
kubectl -n vault port-forward vault-0 8200
- Deploy and initialize Vault 2.
- Deploy vault-transit for Vault 1 and Vault 2.
- Enable auto-unseal for Vault 1 and init seal migration. You need to restart the Vault server pods.
- Repeat for Vault 2.
If a vault-consul module instance is removed entirely the data is still available in Consul. So after redeploying these lines help to import the existing data paths.
terraform import module.vault_transit.vault_mount.transit $NAME-transit
terraform import module.vault_transit.vault_transit_secret_backend_key.auto_unseal $NAME-transit/keys/auto-unseal
terraform import module.vault_transit.vault_policy.vault_server $NAME-unseal
terraform import module.vault_transit.vault_auth_backend.kubernetes $KUBERNETES_AUTH_NAME
terraform import module.vault_transit.vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_config.kubernetes auth/$KUBERNETES_AUTH_NAME/config
terraform import module.vault_transit.vault_kubernetes_auth_backend_role.vault_server auth/$KUBERNETES_AUTH_NAME/role/$NAME-unseal