FLASHED is a personal tool built to help further studying and prepare for interviews. The idea came to me post-graduation when I realized there is still so much to learn and a wealth of resources to pull from. I designed the app with the intention of having a single source to re-visit concepts and learn new ones.
Interesting Features:
- Swipeable carousel to view flash cards.
- Toggle answer to questions.
- Shuffle/randomize flash cards.
- Add, edit, delete cards.
- React
- MongoDB
- Express
- Node
Link to deployed app (Heroku) - Flashed Website
Link to Trello Board - Flashed Trello Board
- Finish styling web app.
- Create a resource library for topics of interest.
- Implement a timer and/or data analytics on answering questions.
- Think about how I can scale app for others to use.
- Make user centric.