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diegosarmentero edited this page Nov 1, 2011 · 1 revision


  • New File = Ctrl+N
  • New Project = Ctrl+M
  • Open File = Ctrl+O
  • Open Project = Ctrl+P
  • Save = Ctrl+S
  • Save Project = Ctrl+Shift+S
  • Reload File = F5
  • Print File = Ctrl+I
  • Close Tab = Ctrl+W
  • Reopen Recent Tab Closed = Ctrl+Shift+N

* *Undo* = Ctrl+Z
* *Redo* = Ctrl+Y
* *Cut* = Ctrl+X
* *Copy* = Ctrl+C
* *Paste* = Ctrl+V
* *Find* = Ctrl+F
* *Find And Replace* = Ctrl+H
* *Find using word under cursor* = Ctrl+1
* *Find in Files* = Ctrl+L
* *Jump to Line* = Ctrl+J
* *Close Status Bar Widget (Find, Replace, Locator, etc)* = Esc

* *Show/Hide Misc Widget (Console, Output, Web Renderer, etc)* = F4
* *Show/Hide Main Area (Editor, etc)* = F3
* *Show/Hide Lateral Panel (Explorer, Symbols, etc)* = F2
* *Show/Hide All* = F11
* *Fullscreen* = Ctrl+F11
* *Split tabs horizontally* = F10
* *Split tabs vertically* = F9
* *Enable Follow Mode* = Ctrl+F10
* *Zoom In* = Ctrl+Wheel Up
* *Zoom Out* = Ctrl+Wheel Down
* *Fade In* = Alt+Wheel Up
* *Face Out* = Alt+Wheel Down

* *Indent More* = Tab
* *Indent Less* = Shift+Tab
* *Comment/Uncomment* = Ctrl+D
* *Insert Horizontal Line* = Ctrl+R
* *Insert Title Comment* = Ctrl+T
* *Go to Definition* = Ctrl+Enter or Ctrl+Click(Left)
* *Insert from Everywhere* = Ctrl+U
* *Move Up* = Alt+Up
* *Move Down* = Alt+Down
* *Navigate Forward* = Alt+Right
* *Navigate Backward* = Alt+Left
* *Remove Line* = Ctrl+Q
* *Duplicate Line* = Ctrl+E

* *Run Project* = F6
* *Run File* = Ctrl+F6
* *Debug Project* = F7
* *Stop Project* = Ctrl+F5

* *Help* = F1

* *Show Explorer Tree* = Alt+1
* *Show Symbols Tree* = Alt+2
* *Show Web Inspector* = Alt+3

* *Activate Code Locator* = Ctrl+K