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Gabriel Acosta edited this page May 17, 2021 · 7 revisions

First off, thanks for taking the time to contribute to Ninja-IDE. ❤️

Contributing to NINJA-IDE

There are many ways to contribute to the development of NINJA-IDE: reporting issues, submitting pull requests and requesting a feature.

Forking and clonning the repo


In your favorite browser, go to and click the Fork button to get a copy of the Ninja-IDE on your GitHub account.


Clone your personal copy of Ninja-IDE with the following command:

$ git clone

Congratulations! 🎉 at this point, you already have a copy of Ninja-IDE source code on his personal computer.

Setting up the environment

It's time to set up our work environment. For this we are going to create a virtual environment and install the dependencies that Ninja-IDE needs to work, we are also going to install some additional dependencies that will help us in development.

Creating the virtual environment

$ python -m venv YOUR-VENVS-DIR/ninja-ide

Activate it with:

$ source YOUR-VENVS-DIR/ninja-ide/bin/activate

Installing dependencies

Navigate to Ninja-IDE source code and install dependencies.

(ninja-ide)$ cd ninja-ide
(ninja-ide)$ pip install -r requirements.txt 
(ninja-ide)$ pip install -r requirements-dev.txt

Running from sources

At the root of the project and with the virtual environment activated, run Ninja-IDE with the following command:

(ninja-ide)$ python

You can execute with more verbosity using the -v argument:

(ninja-ide)$ python -vvv

Running tests

When making changes to the Ninja-IDE source code, it is good practice to run the test suit:

(ninja-ide)$ make tests

There is also a make command for checking the code style:

(ninja-ide)$ make pep8
(ninja-ide)$ make flake8

Or both in one command:

(ninja-ide)$ make lint

🎉 You are now ready to contribute to the Ninja-IDE code 🎉

Last words

Please, in order to maintain order and speed up the review, follow the following rules to the letter before submitting a Pull Request.

  • Always create a branch from develop. For example:
(develop) $ git checkout -b feature/my-awesome-feature
  • Whenever possible, write commit messages according to conventional commits.
  • If your pull request contains multiple commits, use git squash to squash them into one.

Work Branches

Even if you have push rights on the ninja-ide/ninja-ide repository, you should create a personal fork and create feature branches there when you need them. This keeps the main repository clean and your personal workflow cruft out of sight.

Pull Requests

To accelerate the acceptance process of your pull requests, always create a pull request per issue and link the issue in the pull request. Be sure to follow our Code Guidelines. Pull requests should contain tests whenever possible.
