This is trie but instead of character connecting by object, it is connected by id of rows.
To add words and it's definition.
To Find words fast.
To store related character, I give each new character a unique ID.
Character are connected via ID of the row.
- Inserting is slow since it's have to move across the table to find related ID. But the sqlite provide O(logn) search.
Recommend using pre-populated database when you have to add a lot of data such as dictionary.
Comsume a row for every non-unique character. (Too much space)
Search is slower compare to sorted words, since you can perform binary search.
- You can add word dynamically without have to worry about which row to put. In Lexically, you have to sort after adding data.
Not recommend using it. Too much unnecesssary space. Slower than typical sorted data. You can later pull lexically sorted data from the structure.
I develop it for testing "connecting character without the object structure".
I have some bugs when I show recommend words, and need a method that pull lexically sorted data from the table.
You can see how data have been after putting into the table. ↓ ↓ ↓