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Adds following features

  • JWT-based authentication
  • Rate limiting for each user
  • Share notes with users
  • Search using Postgres full text search
  • Tests for notes api and auth


  • salt and hash passwords
  • add indexes to tables

Getting Started

Install Go the instructions. RequiresGo 1.13 or above.

Install Docker Docker 17.05 or higher

After installing Go and Docker, run the following commands to start experiencing this starter kit:

git clone

cd notes-api

# sync dependencies
go mod tidy

# start a PostgreSQL database server in a Docker container
make db-start

# seed the database with some test data
make testdata

make run

# or run the API server with live reloading, which is useful during development
# requires fswatch (
make run-live

At this time, you have a RESTful API server running at It provides the following endpoints:

  • GET /healthcheck: a healthcheck service provided for health checking purpose (needed when implementing a server cluster)
  • POST /api/auth/signup: authenticates a user and generates a JWT
  • POST /api/auth/login: authenticates a user and generates a JWT
  • GET /api/notes: returns a list of notes for the user (includes notes shared with the user)
  • GET /api/notes/:id: returns the detailed information of an note
  • POST /api/notes: creates a new note
  • PUT /api/notes/:id: updates an existing note
  • DELETE /api/notes/:id: deletes a note
  • POST /api/notes/:id/shares/:user_id: shares a note with another user id
  • GET /api/search?q=<query>: searches for matching word

Try the URL http://localhost:8080/healthcheck in a browser, and you should see something like "OK v1.0.0" displayed.

# authenticate the user via: POST /v1/login
curl -X POST -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"username": "demo", "password": "pass"}' http://localhost:8080/api/login
# should return a JWT token like: {"token":"...JWT token here..."}

# with the above JWT token, access the note resources, such as: GET /api/notes
curl -X GET -H "Authorization: Bearer ...JWT token here..." http://localhost:8080/api/notes

To use the starter kit as a starting point of a real project whose package name is, do a global replacement of the string in all of project files with the string

Project Layout

The starter kit uses the following project layout:

├── cmd                  main applications of the project
│   └── server           the API server application
├── config               configuration files for different environments
├── internal             private application and library code
│   ├── notes            notes-related features
│   ├── auth             authentication feature
│   ├── config           configuration library
│   ├── entity           entity definitions and domain logic
│   ├── errors           error types and handling
│   ├── healthcheck      healthcheck feature
│   └── test             helpers for testing purpose
├── migrations           database migrations
├── pkg                  public library code
│   ├── accesslog        access log middleware
│   ├── graceful         graceful shutdown of HTTP server
│   ├── log              structured and context-aware logger
│   └── pagination       paginated list
└── testdata             test data scripts

The top level directories cmd, internal, pkg are commonly found in other popular Go projects, as explained in Standard Go Project Layout.

For example, the notes directory contains the application logic related with the note feature.

Within each feature package, code are organized in layers (API, service, repository), following the dependency guidelines as described in the clean architecture.

Common Development Tasks

schema changes:

make migrate

make migrate-new

make migrate-down

make migrate-reset

Managing Configurations

The config directory contains the configuration files named after different environments. For example, config/local.yml corresponds to the local development environment and is used when running the application via make run.

./server -config=./config/prod.yml

uses Go api starter kit for initial boilerplate -> 


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