Shop demo using Stripe as payment gateway. The purchase can be made using Apple Pay or regularly with Credit Card. Also, uses a PHP+MySql backend.
Obs.: Maybe you'll have to change xcodeproj address in Podfile. After doing it, open project's main folder on Terminal, input "pod install" and press enter.
- Create an Account at Stripe
- Input your Test Publishable Key on Constants class, in the project, and your Test Secret Key on payment.php, in the DemoShop-ServerSide folder.
- Go to your Apple Developer Account and create a Merchant ID.
- Create an App ID including Apple Pay. Obs.: Maybe you'll have to set a different bundle identifier for the app.
- Enabled Apple Pay using your Merchant ID.
- Create a development provisioning profile and sign the app with it.
- Go to project target and select your Merchant ID in Capabilities tab.
- Install Xamp.
- In the web browser, go to phpMyAdmin (http://localhost/phpmyadmin/).
- Create a new database called "shop_manager".
- Enter shop_manager and create 3 tables using the queries in phpMyAdmin.rtf.
- Fill items_for_sale table with the data in items_for_sale.json, in the same order as showed in the json file.
- Insert DemoShop-ServerSide folder (unzipped) in Applications/XAMPP/htdocs folder.
- Open Xamp, open Manage Servers tab and click "Start All".
Credit cards for testing: