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stream-lnd-htlcs (Not maintained anymore)

Streams temporary channel failures to telegram bot using Telegram API (Grammy), stream data comes from HTLC stream gRPC API from LND. Tempoary Channel Failure data is parsed and forwarded to Telegram, all other failures are written in JSON format to failurelogs.json file.

Telegram Bot

Get your new telegram bot and API key from BotFather (


You'll need an active lnd, version 0.9.0+ (, with routerrpc built in and Node.js 16.

Get Node.js 16

curl -sL | sudo -E bash -

Install Node.js 16

sudo apt-get install -y nodejs

Get the Repository in the directory where you want to install

git clone

Change Directory

cd stream-lnd-htlc-bot

You will need to create a .env.local file that stores some information to run the bot.

Run cat .env which gives which shows a sample of how .env.local needs to look like.

Replace with your information for LND_DIR and API_KEY.

SOCKET will most likely be the same for most people, in some cases it could be your tlsextradomain:rpclisten{port} which can be obtained from your lnd.conf file (the file you set your Node's Alias). An example would be

For Umbrel users, your socket might be umbrel.local:10009

For ENVIRONMENT you can replace with testnet regtest signet etc if you want to test in lower environments. network also supports litecoin if you're into that shit.

# Create the file
touch .env.local

#Edit the file and copy and edit values you got from ".env" above and replace what is necessary.
nano .env.local

#Save and exit
ctrl + x


To test if it's working run the following command

npm start

then run /start on telegram and your bot will respond that its ready. If it's working, then ctrl + c and you can run any background process manager like tmux, nohup or systemd.

For Tmux:

# Install tmux if you don't have it.
sudo apt install tmux

# New tmux session
tmux new -s AnySessionNameOfYourChoice

# Run the command again
npm start

/start on the telegram bot, the bot should respond.

# Detach from tmux session
(leave control when hitting d)

Kill the bot with tmux

tmux ls (this gives list of your active sessions)
tmux kill-ses -t YourSessionName

Setting up systemd service

Create a new service file, e.g. streamtgbot.service:

sudo nano /etc/systemd/system/streamtgbot.service

Insert the following (edit WorkingDir, User, Group to fit your setup):

# Stream-LND-HTLC-Bot: systemd unit
# /etc/systemd/system/streamtgbot.service

Description=Stream-LND-HTLC-Bot daemon

# replace with your path to stream-lnd-htlc-bot

# find out your installation path of "npm" by typing command "which npm" in console and replace it below (e.g. /usr/bin/npm or /home/user/.npm-global/bin/npm)
ExecStart=/path/to/npm start

# replace user. check with terminal command "whoami", e.g. for umbrel:
# User=umbrel
# Group=umbrel


# Hardening


Save and exit (ctrl+o, ctrl+x).

Reload Systemd: sudo systemctl daemon-reload

Enable streamtgbot: sudo systemctl enable streamtgbot (to automatically start on system boot)

Start streamtgbot: sudo systemctl start streamtgbot

If you want to Stop streamtgbot: sudo systemctl stop streamtgbot

If you want to Restart streamtgbot: sudo systemctl restart streamtgbot

If you want to Disable streamtgbot, stop the bot first with the stop command, then: sudo systemctl disable streamtgbot


# Stop the bot however you're running such as tmux or systemd, instructions to stop are above.

# Change directory to stream-htlc-bot
cd /path/to/stream-htlc-bot

# Pull the updates
git pull

# Start the bot again based on how you're running it and
run /start in telegram and the bot will respond that its ready to send notifications.