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Nixys Framework Control Tools


Nxs-fw-ctl provides tools to create C programs on Nixys Framework.

General structure of Nixys Framework as follows:

Nixys Framework structure

Each block on schema is an isolated (in accordance with arrows) Nixys Framework programming object:

  • Core

    This object makes only two things:

    • calls Confs to read configurations from command line and file
    • calls bootstrap process to run applications
  • Confs

    Confs used for processing command line arguments and read configuration files.

    Basically Nixys Framework provides two formats for configuration files: ini-like and json. In your application you may use either one of them or both together.

  • Procs

    This programming object contains the application logic. It may consist of subprocesses. Each Process is either a particular process in OS or a program structural unit. Every Proc (excluding Bootstrap process) is operated with Units and Collections.

    Bootstrap process makes general for all Procs actions, such as program daemonizing, creating program context and manipulating with subprocesses.

    Application must consist of one or more Proc programming objects.

  • Units

    Units provide the application structural units logic (e.g. user's context, ...).

    Each Unit has its own context and basic functions to init and free the context. You may expand Unit functionality after creation in accordance with your requirements.

  • Collections

    Collections is an internal application tool set to make general things, such as strings formatting, calculations and other.

    For example, it may be useful to create the wrap to write logs and so on.

  • DALs

    DALs is a Data Access Layer and used for handling data from different sources (databases, filesystem, external Rest API interfaces, etc).

    Each Dal has its own context.

  • Metas

    Metas provides some general data for all applications. Usual Meta contains the structures and enums to be used in othes Nixys Framework programming objects.

    For example, Meta may be useful to transfer large number of elements between the DAL and Unit contexts.

You may consider the nxs-fw-ctl source code as an example of Nixys Framework application.

Available nxs-fw-ctl commands

  • View help

    nxs-fw-ctl -h
  • View nxs-fw-ctl version

    nxs-fw-ctl -v
  • Work with project

    nxs-fw-ctl -a project new_project_name

    It will create project with name new_project_name in the current directory. If you want to create the project in a different directory use '-r' option.

    To delete current project (you must be in the project's work directory) use:

    nxs-fw-ctl -d project
  • Work with 'unit', 'collection', 'meta', 'proc', 'conf' or 'dal'

    nxs-fw-ctl -a unit new_unit_name

    It will create a new unit with name new_unit_name for current project (you must be in project's work directory). Use keywords insteed of 'unit' to create other Nixys Framework programming objects.

    To delete Nixys Framework programming objects in the current project use the following command:

    nxs-fw-ctl -d unit new_unit_name
  • View and change Nixys Framework core modules

    Get the list of modules used in the current project:

    nxs-fw-ctl -i core

    Change modules used in the current project:

    nxs-fw-ctl -u core
  • View and change Nixys Framework Libraries version

    Get the version of Nixys Framework Libraries modules for current project:

    nxs-fw-ctl -i version

    Change the version of Nixys Framework Libraries for current project:

    nxs-fw-ctl -u version

Install in Debian

  1. Add the Nixys repository key:

    wget -O - | apt-key add -
  2. Add the repository. Debian wheezy, jessie and stretch are available:

    echo "deb [arch=amd64] wheezy main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
    echo "deb [arch=amd64] jessie main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
    echo "deb [arch=amd64] stretch main" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/
  3. Make an update:

    apt-get update
  4. Install nxs-fw-ctl package:

    apt-get install nxs-fw-ctl
  5. You also need to install one or more different versions of Nixys Framework Libraries before creating any project.

Install in CentOS

  1. Add Nixys repository key:

    rpm --import
  2. Add the repository. Currently CentOS 6 and 7 are available:

    cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/
    name=Nixys Packages for CentOS \$releasever - \$basearch
  3. For CentOS 6 (to install jansson-devel):

    yum install -y epel-release
  4. Install nxs-fw-ctl package:

    yum install nxs-fw-ctl
  5. You also need to install one or more different versions of Nixys Framework Libraries before creating any project.