"Pybi" is a new format for distributing Python interpreters. For more details, see this draft spec.
While working on it, I've made some preliminary pybis for most versions of CPython 3.6+ on Windows/macOS/Linux, and they're available here: https://pybi.vorpus.org
This repo has the hacky tools I used to make those preliminary pybis. Parts of this are pretty sophisticated. Other parts are duct tape and chicken wire to that will only work for the exact pipeline I used.
The Windows pybis are repacks of the official nuget packages
maintained by Steve Dower; do-win.py
uses the nuget API to find them
all and repack them.
The macOS pybis are repacks for the official macOS framework builds
from https://python.org/downloads, munged by Greg Neagle's
scripts to make
them relocatable. do-macos.py
scrapes python.org to automatically
find these builds.
The Linux pybis are build by hand, but reusing most of the manylinux
docker image build scripts, with a few
Then linux_vendor.py
does some hacky stuff to trick auditwheel into
working on an unpacked pybi.
To add new pybis:
on sidra, add to built/ directory
on sidra, run
python3 regen-simple.py
go to the $web container in azure portal and get a SAS token
on sidra, in built/ directory, run:
az storage blob sync -s . --account-name pybi --container '$web' --sas-token [token]