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nkimadusanka edited this page Sep 11, 2014 · 2 revisions

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#1. Project Title: iTransfusion Services Online Management System Alternative Title: About the Project: This project is proposed to, create a better system to find and gather people who are willing to participate in Blood donation services which organized by the blood bank of Sri Lanka. The proposed system will have the capability to inform donor, if blood donation campaign is organized within his/her area. And also, the system will be kept a track of donor details and his/her history for future retrieving purposes. #2. The Goal and Objectives: Save the lives of patients who need blood donations and build better communication with the donor and the blood bank cluster (branches) around Sri Lanka are the main goals of this project. And also, project will help people to find trusted donors with in very short period of time. The main objectives of the project are,

  • Create a better information platform for blood donors who willing to participate blood donation activities.
  • Encourage the blood transfusion to protect human resources that are needed to the country.
  • Minimize the harm to the nature due to poster campaigns but also financial waste, and increase the efficiency ,because the information to the people are send through the existing notification system.
  • When blood levels are low, the required blood level can be gained, within a short period of time.
  • Quick access to donor details and history.

#3. Tentative Problem Definition

Sri Lanka National Blood Bank is the institution, which provides Blood Transfusion Services as blood collecting and storing around the whole country. To make these services more efficient and effective, there are blood centers calling “clusters” based on locations, around the country. Those clusters are acting different roles, such as some are collecting but not storing and some others testing and also some clusters are collecting, storing and testing of blood. In this project the main focus is on blood collecting clusters. Posters, banners, cutouts are using frequently, when organizing a mobile blood collection session, for advertising purposes. But these methods are highly expensive and sometime useless because they are not focusing on target audiences. And also other important fact is that, these methods are not environmental friendly. In addition to that, service provider may want to send thanking letters to donor, after donation of blood, by snail mail. This process also consumes more time and more human resources.4. Brief introduction to the project People who would like to participate in blood donations, can freely register to the system through web or mobile application.They should enter their blood type, contact details, share location using gps or enter location of nearest blood bank cluster. When mobile blood collection session is organizing the system will have the capability to send messages to a particular list of users who register that area via email, text message or mobile notification. And also system will keep details about donor history.

#5. The scope of the project

The intention of this project is to introduce a web application that can access through the Internet, through mobile application and minimize communication gaps by building a new communication platform among Blood bank and donors.

##Users of the system:

###Administrators: All the system functionalities can be controlled by the administrator. Specially, adding blood bank clusters and people who are in charge of these clusters. ###Cluster in charge: The responsibility of adding Blood donation events and user donated details to the system. ###People: Any person, who is qualified to donate blood in Sri Lanka, can be registered to the system with his/her location, to perform as a blood donor.

##Main functionalities of the system:

  • Users can be registered to the system based on his/her current location or nearest blood donating cluster.
  • User can download mobile application and share their location.
  • Cluster in charge, can add mobile blood donating events to the system and send a message to relevant donors around the area.
  • Cluster in charge, can update user donation history and send a thanking message.
  • Any time can access donor details and history.

#6. Main deliverables of the system

  1. Web site
  2. Android Application
  3. User Manual
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